View Full Version : Blurred Vision

05-04-09, 20:09

Just wondering if anyone had experienced blurred vision, feeling nausea and dizzyness with there anxiety? I have been taking Spasmonal for the last week wasnt sure if this would have anything to do with it? I have also been feeling colder than normal.

There is no pain in my eyes or redness or headaches, my left eye has been watering the last week but i put it down to hayfever.



06-04-09, 01:00
It's always worth having an eye test as people neglect their eyes and there are dozens of mundane reasons why you could have dizziness and blurred vision. You could also have a virus (especially if you feel cold). Don't know Spasmonal or its side effects. Have a quick word with your doctor if you're worried but don't freak out about it, chances are it's nothing at all. :)

07-04-09, 21:12
Hi there...

That is all common in anxiety. The blurred vision is the stored adrenaline in the system.

that was one of my biggest fears the blurry vision but know i know what it is i dont stress over it, although horrible.

take care x