View Full Version : So tired all the time!

05-04-09, 22:02

I have recently increased my dose of Citalopram from 20mg to 40mg and although I felt tired to begin with it soon wared off. But when I increased to the 40mg which I have been on for 2wks I am absolutley nakered all day and freesing cold.Does anyone else feel the same?:shrug:

05-04-09, 22:21
Hi Strawberry! i increased 5weeks ago from 30mg to 40mg,felt exactly the same,could have slept all day most days(fat chance!).This gradually decreases and you should feel ok eventually.Why didnt your Dr try you on 30mg to see how you were on that, ? 20mg is,a lot to increase by..no wonder you feel zonked. Hope you feel better soon. luv Sue

05-04-09, 22:37
I did only increase it to 30 for a week coz I thought that would be the best thing to do too. Then I increased to the 40 after the week. I just cant believe how tired i am! I just could sleep all day! before all this happened I was such a hyper energetic person I was on the move all day now all I want to do is curl up on the sofa or be or day! hopefully it will ware off soon xx