View Full Version : White thing at side/back of mouth.

05-04-09, 22:07
I first noticed this white flat thing a couple of weeks ago when I had a sore throat which had lasted a few weeks but has incidentally gone now but I'm worried sick about what it could be. I had my tonsils out when I was eight so it's not a tonsil stone - its just white, small and flat and won't go. I'm terrified it might be cancer. I know I should go to the doctors and I probably will when I get the courage to go. I had a mouth cancer check about 5 months ago at the dentist which was okay and I'm due another one next month when I go for my check up.

Does anybody know what this could be or had anything like this at all?:unsure:

05-04-09, 22:16
i have this too and doc told me it was all white cells coming up to fight an infection, whatever it was, its still here, hasn't got any bigger so i just see it as a white blob, its been here for months and months, no change in it, so its obviously nothing, and dentist would know more than a doc would hun, i honestly wouldn't worry about it.

di xx

05-04-09, 22:34
Thanks Diane - I've been really stressing over it all weekend. It's not very big and at the side where there is a sort of arch at the back of where my tonsils would be if I had any. It might have been there ages for all I know but I've only just noticed it. I have had a bit of a cold and sore throat in the last few weeks so maybe it is something to do with that - I hope so anyway cos I have bad health anxiety but I've been okay for a while but now I worrying over everything again.:blush: I think I need to go back on the Citalopram - I ran out of them and never went back for another prescription.:unsure:

Thanks again.:hugs: