View Full Version : Difficulty swallowing?

05-04-09, 22:29
I've just had a very unnerving experience! I was lying on the sofa watching TV, pretty chilled out, when suddenly I realised I couldn't swallow. It was like my upper throat muscles were completely paralysed. I sat up immediately, panicking as you can imagine, in case I was going to stop breathing or something, and a few seconds later it released and I could swallow again. The same thing happened a few minutes later. IT'S SO FREAKY!! Has anyone else ever had this? I've had globus hystericus in the past and my throat definitely feels a bit tense but I've never had this complete inability to swallow before :wacko: now I'm swallowing every few seconds just to make sure I can still do it :unsure:

05-04-09, 22:53
I have had it for years.

we now have a whole sub-forum dedicated to this ....


05-04-09, 22:54
I wonder if you had your neckor head in a funny position on the sofa as any twisting or compression could cause your inablility to swallow - I know if I think about swallowing I just can't do it:shrug: or sometime I sort of half swallow and then nothing else happens.

06-04-09, 01:41
Thanks Nicola, guess I hadn't noticed that one before :blush:

Thanks also countrygirl, now I've calmed down I think it was just a stupid anxiety thing AS USUAL :whistles: probably cos I'm stressing about going to the docs on Tues. Sigh.

06-04-09, 01:44
Argh same! It's the jolt of panic it causes that i find the worse!
My beloved tactics:
- push tongue to top of mouth- practically forces you to swallow
- always keep a drink handy =)

06-04-09, 01:52
Jolt of panic - absolutely! I think worse for me the first time for being so unexpected, I'll be better prepared if it happens again, hopefully won't get quite so freaked out. Does it just happen to you out of the blue too? I was feeling quite relaxed this evening, wasn't really having any anxious thoughts, then WHAM. Weird stuff.

06-04-09, 02:02
Ye first time it happened to me it was all slow motion and followed by lots of panic! I find it happens for perfectly sane reasons but when i'm not paying attention. Like i'm walking down a street when it's really hot, talking with friends. I'm too busy to notice my mouth is getting dry 'til the moment i can't swallow! So at the time it seems like it's come from nowhere~
I think what's the most annoying thing is- it's just swallowing- but you feel like it means you can't breathe aswell!