View Full Version : Citalopram Virgin!

05-04-09, 22:51
This is my first time on here, but I've been reading the posts about citalopram. I've suffered with health anxiety/panic attacks for the best part of 6 years. I've managed to sort it out before without medication but I'm finding it a struggle! I'm seeing a counsellor, but my Dr also prescribed me Citalopram. It's been sitting in my kitchen for a month because I can't decide whether to take it or not. I know it's ultimately my decision, but can anyone give me some advice please?:wacko:

05-04-09, 22:54
Well my advice would be not to take it and get some form of CBT or counselling to be honest.

It will not cure the problems just mask them

:welcome: aboard by the way

05-04-09, 22:58
I never wanted to take meds until I eventually did and it changed my life for the better. I was worse for about 4 weeks and then all of a sudden it felt like if i was back to normal (before i got anxiety)

WE all have different opinions but if your doctor has prescribed it for you, you should give it a go. THe worse that can happen is that it doesn't work. SO you have nothing to lose.

I disagree with the administrator (i hope I am allowed)

I wopuld never discourage anybody from taking a prescribed medicine. On tyop of that, do some CBT though. A combination of the two is your best chance at getting better.

05-04-09, 23:01
Hey Parkee,

I am on day 13 of my Citalopram, and although I have had some nightmarish side effects they have started to work wonders for me, although I am also seeing a counsellor to sort out the underlying problems (as Nicola quite rightly says, the Citalopram will just mask underlying problems instead of getting rid of them). I personally would say it all depends on how bad your anxiety is; if you feel you have lost the ability for rational thought because of your anxiety, and feel that some possible rough side effects for the first week or two are preferable to the anxiety you are currently experiencing, then I would take the Citalopram because it will put you in a better position to look at what your problems are and how to fix them from a more realistic and rational angle. If you do not feel it is worth the risk, or you would rather fight it without this sort of help, then don't take them. There are herbal alternatives too if you feel that medication is not for you.

Take care, best of luck and feel free to message me if you have any more questions or want any advice!

Danny xxx

05-04-09, 23:05
Oh and have a read of this page too...


05-04-09, 23:07
Hey everyone,
Thanks for taking the time to reply, really appreciate it! Feeling better just from reading some of the info on here and knowing I'm not the only one who feels like this!

Parkee x

06-04-09, 00:10
Hi, I would never discourage someone from taking medication that their doctor has prescribed. He has obviously prescribed it for a good reason. Citalopram allows people to get back to normal in some kind of way and try to have a better life. It also helps you get your head together.

06-04-09, 00:50

06-04-09, 03:36
take the medication but also c bout cbt to talk bout your anxieties n hopefully ul not b on them 4 any length of time good luck

06-04-09, 10:50
Hey guys! i am new to this site. i recently started taking citolopram because i reached a peak in my anxiety when i was sat in a class at university and i felt really hot, anxious and stressed. I have suffer social anxiety when it comes to having to perform. i have a presentation coming up in 2 weeks and i can think of nothing else! i have been on citolopram before when i left my anxiety so long that it lead onto depression. I find that citolopram and some form of CBT or counselling works best and i remember last year i felt much better when i had a combination of the two. I really hope my citolopram kicks in before my presentation, but if not does anyone have any helpful relaxation suggestions?
Im on day 4 now and i feel anxious and panicky but when i distract myself i feel a little better.