View Full Version : fast heart after eating

05-04-09, 23:10
Sometimes after eating my heart beats go really fast. Does anyone else have this? I was also wondering if this was connected to certain food, eg. sugary food or drinks.


05-04-09, 23:18
I seem to get this too....mainly after larger meals, ive only noticed this through being an avid pulse checker as of recent. Not sure why it happens though:shrug:

06-04-09, 00:13
I get nasty palpatations after eating, especially after a large meal.
My OT reckons its to do with blood sugar levels as I usually only eat once a day. She suggested eating 5 small meals a day to keep my blood sugar at a constant level.
I've tried this week and although I've found it difficult it does seem to be working. My anxiety hasn't been as bad either but I don't know if thats because I'm eating more regularly or I've just had a good week lol.

06-04-09, 01:08
I get this when I am full and it also races my heart and makes me feel very out winded which makes me panic and become more outwinded and even faster heart beat.

06-04-09, 13:50
I get this too, especially after having fast food.