View Full Version : I dont think I can go on much longer. Cry for help here.

06-04-09, 00:39
I am so run down right now. I have terrible thoughts in my head all the time which wont subside. Here are the symptoms ive had and currently have:

Constant Dizziness
Funny tastes in mouth. (Metallic and something else which i dont know)
Painful neck and shoulders and top part of spine
various chest pains
acid reflux
white furry tongue
sore throat
swollen and red uvula
tension headaches
back pain
panic attacks

I cant do anything anymore. I nearly lost my job, my long term girlfriend dumped me yesterday and ive been having some bad bouts of paranoia where I think people are going to hurt me. Really silly thoughts!

Im currently on Citalopram and propranolol. Ive had a blood test, eye test and urine test and been tested for a brain tumor that have all come back fine and yet i still worry about illnesses all the time.

I just dont know what to do anymore because i am in such a state and I could really use some advice on what i can do to help myself. Please if theres anyone out there who can help it would be much appreciated :weep:

Im so scared right now that ive got Multiple sclerosis.

06-04-09, 03:06
Fingerz I'm sorry you been though it all a break up is bad enough on its own without anxiety to add. Your anxiety is either really high which is understandable considering, or you got a bug to add to your list with the disentry cants spell {runs}. But all the rest anxiety I got them all. Didn't know what acid ........ was?
You can do it don't be so hard on yourself I've had a spell of paronoid when my anxiety was at its highest. You will be fine within time. Relax fingerz deep breaths stop analizing everything to much that's why you start getting paranoid. I find writing down how I feel helps cause it don't boggle your mind when u hold it in,, try it now what u got to lose.

Take care fingerz

06-04-09, 09:57
These are all anxiety symptoms & you know it!!
Stress leads to headaches
anxiety the diarrohea
anxiety the acid as you metabolism is working harder & producin more acid.
neck & shoulder pain is from being so tense- relax your shoulders
furry tongue- dehydration
chest pain- anxiety
panic attacks secondary to anxiety
back pain from doing nothing & lounging around.

You have them all with anxiety. Just take time out to grieve your relationship first then deal with your anxiety xxx

06-04-09, 11:26
Can I suggest you read three website pages which are over there on the left hand side <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

First Steps
Health Anxiety

They should all help