View Full Version : racing heart and afraid to do anything

06-04-09, 01:12
I have become afraid to move. The other day I went for a walk and began getting short of breathe. I am afraid of lifting anything and it makes me short of breathe. I have had good days non anxiety days and can dance and do step and I am fine. But I seem to be worst these days.I do see people get out of breathe, but it is my biggest fear of not catching my breath.

I need some advise to get me up and moving and get out of the rut!

suggestions please.

06-04-09, 01:43
Hi tt

I am the same about the shortness of breath + my heart:mad:

I think as you have good non-anxiety days, cram everything you can into those days & when you get short of breath days try & remember that you don't have a physical problem, it's JUST anxiety rearing it's ugly head:mad: :mad: Easy for me to say but not to do, I know.:scared15: :scared15: :scared15:

Sorry I can't be of more help.


06-04-09, 11:05
You sound like me at the moment....never had a problem with this untill the day i found out i have a tiny hole in my heart, as by magic on that day the symptoms you are describing occured! I won't even walk up the stairs too fast sometimes incase i get out of breath or my heart starts beating a bit faster!

Oddly 10 minutes on an exercise bike and to be honest im not out of breath as such then (im pretty unfit in the scheme of things and gave up smoking a month or two ago).....i try and force myself to do exercise on my bad days as it tends to help.

As im indoors most of the time i brought myself the exercise bike so i can chart and see my progress and tell myself 'well if theres something wrong with me i should be getting worse at this not better'