View Full Version : Hit head with a car door...

06-04-09, 01:36
I'm kind of scared I hit my head with a car door today...i have a headache and feel kinda nauseous. Is it possible to get a serious head injury by banging your head on the car door?

06-04-09, 01:42
How long ago was it and how hard? I know it's possible to get mild concussion but i think you have to hit your head pretty hard! The nausea may be caused by the anxiety if you've been worrying since.
Also think about other headache causes- did you drink much today? Plus it's 2am- you might be sleepy! x

06-04-09, 01:51
It was a few hours ago...I dunno how I did it but I turned toward the car as I opened the door and smacked the side of my head...there's no bump or anything. I figured that maybe the symptoms are just anxiety but I needed to get an opinion.

06-04-09, 02:51
My right hand is numb now...am I panicking or should I go to the ER?

06-04-09, 06:36
My right hand is numb now...am I panicking or should I go to the ER?

I think you are panicking to be honest. I have hit my head getting in to a car and I was OK but if it makes you feel better go to Cas'

06-04-09, 07:14
I don't know if your sleeping now or in cas, but why don't you phone the nhs or the hospital tell them your symtoms see what they say if you still feel ruff. But you getting so work up over it I think its anxiety.
Let us know how u get on

06-04-09, 07:49
I was once hit in my head with a kicked football - twice within ten minutes. In the evening I had nausea, headache, and chestpain/palpitations (the last thing most likely because we were drinking lots of beers simultaneously with the football match :yesyes:)... mild concussion perhaps.

06-04-09, 09:29
I have hit myself several times with the car door (once so hard I saw stars and was sick on the spot). I'm still here!
I am very clumsy!!