View Full Version : Eye issues

06-04-09, 03:23
Ok. So for the past three days, my eyes have been bothering me. When I wake up, they feel fine, but as the day wears on, they become increasingly tired and heavy and burn like I have been swimming in a pool all day. I don't have a job where I sit at a computer (I work retail), my glasses are the right perscription, and I dont wear contacts anymore. This gets so annoying because I get a headache over my eyes and under them. My anxiety has been good for over a month, but I just wanted to see if anyone has had any other experiences with this. My guess is allergies, but I didn't know they could make your eyes feel like there is pressure in them.

06-04-09, 13:13
Do you work under florescent lights? I don't know the connection with these lights, but ALOT of people seem like they mention that when posting about their eyes. I am one of them. Hope this helps, I know it isn't much but...

06-04-09, 13:25
my eye on the right side is red raw its inflammed and very sore in the mornings its closed i cant look at daylight without glasses very jackie o and am going too get some dops from the optician im not dying or going blind i have conjuntivitous thats all -get a grip

06-04-09, 14:50
yes i have this eye irritation as well .. it's partly i believe anxiety because of the muscle tension, strain, etc.. but also it's that time of year when allergies go nuts. i just went for a scratch test and found i have many allergies. i rinse my eyes once a day in the afternoon with refresh plus eye drops, they work quite well. some of the eye drops like clear eyes just make it worse due to their ingredients. just know it's allergies and anxieties, use the drops, get a lot of sleep.. ignore and it'll happen less.

08-04-09, 19:08
I suffer dry eyes and use a lubricant a tube of gel-like stuff- can buy over the counter.