View Full Version : Off to Doc's

06-04-09, 07:46
Well I have had enough I need to go the docs. The pain is really nagging me and I can not sleep through worry. Why or Why do I do this to myself!

I feel like my upper back has been run over by a truck this morning.


06-04-09, 09:24
Do you sleep ok? A lot of people with anxiety tend to sleep tense as well causing pain in the back. I have upper back pain right now because of the tension. What kind of pain is it?

06-04-09, 09:34
No I dont sleep ok, every since I am came out of hospital it started. It is an ache between my shoulder blades, shoulders and up into my neck. A nagging ache nothing seems to take it away. I feel like I want to stretch all the time, had it over a week.

06-04-09, 16:06
A year ago I had my appendix out and exploratory op so was quite a large op and they cut right through right side of abdominal muscle about 5 inches:wacko: and there was no way I could get from a laying position to out of bed because of this and I really hurt under my shoulderblade the first day after op because I was using muscles I hadn't ever used in that way before. It ook about a month for it to get better.

07-04-09, 15:58
Just to let you know the CT results came back clear, which is really good news. Also after my visit to the docs yesterday it turns out that my back pain is due to a bruised spine from a fall I had a month ago. He gave me some great meds which are really working right now. Thanks for everyones support :)

07-04-09, 16:05
So it wasn't cancer then as you thought :winks:

Please remember this next time you get a worry - it isn't life threatening and there is usually a simple explanation.

07-04-09, 16:10
glad for you everything is ok hope you feel better now you know
