View Full Version : Sorry if my posts always sound whiny...

06-04-09, 12:01
Hi all
I am sorry if my boring posts about citalopram always sound like I am whinging :blush: I know others have problems far worse than me. I am just getting down taking them and confused. I dont know anyone offline who is taking them so I cant whinge to them about side effects - everyone I know seems to breeze through life with no issues, and my gp listens to what I say (I think?) but then doesnt really give me any clear answers to my concerns.
I will try and not whinge so much - I promise. :blush:

06-04-09, 12:07
Hey poppy please dont be worried about whinging as you are not. Thats what this side is for. When you start them it is hard to believe they will work and you will be better but believe me you will. You need to trust in the medication you were given and just let it do its job. The side effects shouldnt last much longer and then the sun will come out again for you. I was in the same position when I first started on them. But believe me it gets much better. I am going to the doctor today to up my dose to 30mg as I know that 30 worked best for me the last time. Just have faith and dont be afraid to come on here and whinge all you want. If you have any questions about any particular side effects feel free to ask me x

06-04-09, 17:35
There's a saying in Yorkshire - "Geeyore wi thi" - in layman's terms, it means stop worrying :D

You're going through a very tough time and you have got every right to seek help. Every day is different, every day brings its own problems and rewards, so whenever you feel scared or in need of assistance stick another post on the forum and we will be here for you :D

06-04-09, 17:40
Thanks Asha and Poet :D :hugs:

"Geeyore wi thi"??? That means stop worrying??? I have never heard that before. I will do though - no more whinging and whining off me - until at least tomorrow! :winks:

06-04-09, 17:42
Whine all you want, you're not gonna beat my record of "most complaints made in a day" -- you should have worked with me at my last job, there was *nothing* I didn't bitch about ;)

07-04-09, 11:56
Hi all !
I dont feel so whiny today - but theres still a lot of today left! :winks:
Poet - Do you feel the break from work is doing you good or do you think you would be better with how you feel at work?
I am feeling great today Yayyyyyyyy I love citalopram!!! lol :yahoo:

07-04-09, 16:03

When I was made redundant I got myself signed off sick pretending (ironically) that I was stressed to breaking point. The 2 week period between being signed off and my employment ending was a very difficult time. Anyone who's been redundant, especially by a company they hate, will have struggled with mixed feelings like that.

Then when I was officially redundant and my money came through I had a wonderful time, the best time of my life maybe.

But the constant doom and gloom on telly and in the papers started to get to me, my money started to run out and I realised it was going to be very difficult to get another job. I would still be ok if other factors hadn't intruded (my dad being ill and a death in the family). I spend a lot of time with family and friends (my best mate has been made redundant too).

Overall I think I've got so much free time to worry and concentrate on my anxiety that it is doing more harm than good at the moment. I think getting a job would help to straighten me out, put me back on track.

07-04-09, 17:07
Poet - Sorry to hear you were made redundant. Its horrid isnt it? I have been made 3 times redundant in my life :ohmy: It never gets any easier each time it happens. I found it really shattered my confidence.
I work from home online at the moment which helps but I want to get back out there and work amongst people but with the issues I have right now is not the best time. However, maybe if I just did it and got out there (providing I can get a job!) I think it would stop me thinking so much about my anxiety and agoraphobia as I would be working. Working from home, is good in a way, but I miss the office enviroment - the chat and the gossip not to mention painting my nails at my desk lol :winks:
My issues seemed to develop from around the time I was made redundant so maybe it had a lot to do with it. I find I am dwelling too much on how I feel being at home.
I just thought of another thread!!!....:doh:

07-04-09, 17:10

We get so absorved in our own little anxieties that whetrher the problem is really little or really big, it always feels equally unbearable.

SSRIs can be a pain to begin with, but in my experience if you stick to them, the side effects eventually get better and you start feeling much better too


07-04-09, 17:22
Hi Ric!
I have decided to continue with my citalopram. I was just having a few bad days. Today I have felt great. I am sure the sunny weather helps too :shades:
I just get impatient as I want things to happen and happen immediately but I realise I have to give the tablets time to fully work. I have been unwell - not sure whether to call it that or not - for a year now and I am just wanting to get back out there again - only this time a lot less stressed out. Its difficult now cos of agoraphobia but I am aiming to get some sort of life for myself back :yahoo:
Are your SSRI's helping you?

07-04-09, 17:29
You never sound whiney to me! You have helped me a lot. Thank you! Glad you are feeling a bit better today xxx

07-04-09, 19:15

It took me 2 years or so to agree to go on SSRIs. Before i went on them I was agoraphobic and almost housebound. I was at uni at the time and i really do not know how i passed. I eventually went on them because i started to obsess that I was going mad, this was about 7 years ago. My life changed after about 2 months on them, to me citalopram was a miracle.

I had residual symptoms over the last 7 years but I have a full time job (same company for 5 years) and i am in a long term relationship and I lead a normal life

I still struggle though and lately I have been pretty unwell, but overall I would say that citalopram and CBT saved my life.

Just hang on in ther, try to exercise, eat well, see people and try to do all what you would do if you werent anxious, however difficult it is, at least try and you will see that with the citalopram your syumptoms will be greatly reduced and you feel in control again

Best wishes

ps I cannot believe i mispelt absorbed in my previous post!

07-04-09, 19:52
Awww Fairyloveheart! Have I helped you??? All I do is whinge! lol Thank you for saying that I helped you. :blush:
Eurtotrash - Thanks for the inspiring post. Have you overcome the agoraphobia?
I do all the self help there is, by a healthy diet, (she says looking at the empty plate that had chips on!!! :whistles: ) exercise, keeping occupied, positive thinking and all the rest. I feel good today and even though tomorrow I may be back to my whiny self at least I can look back and think that I had a good day. :D

07-04-09, 19:59
I have actually, I guess. Because I do not think about it anymore. I just go out and I am not afraid. I always have the odd moment, but I guess I am an ex-agoraphobic. So it can be done!

I have lots of new issues related to anxiety in exchange though!

07-04-09, 22:28
Well done for overcoming the agoraphobia! :yesyes: That has given me some hope! :)
What other anxiety related issues do you now have?

07-04-09, 23:32
Well, i get panic attacks now and then and I am a total hypochondriac. I am also generally anxious and a bit of a worrier. My last one, which is doing my head in, is that I have become obsessed with schizophrenia. I basically think that I will start to hear voices and end up in a mental hospital.

My psychiatrist says that I am not going mad and I have actually been feeling much better. Its been a tough 8 weeks though

HOw about you?

07-04-09, 23:56
My last one, which is doing my head in, is that I have become obsessed with schizophrenia. I basically think that I will start to hear voices and end up in a mental hospital.
You might want to stop worrying about that mate, it's not possible to "become" schizophrenic :)

Poppy, it's good to hear you sounding chirpier :)

07-04-09, 23:58
Hey eurotrash I go through a bit of that schizophrenia fear too. I actually was completely anxious and overtired last week and waiting for an appointment with my doctor to up my meds and I thought I heard a mans voice in my head but it completely freaked me out! I know it was just my over tired, over anxious mind playing tricks on me though. You are not going mad, you have just had a rough time, dont be so hard on yourself x

08-04-09, 11:17
Hi everyone!
Yayyyy...I am having another good day!!!!!!! 2 days running - I love citalopram!!!!!! :yesyes:
Eurotrash - I used to worry about becoming 'mentally il' (I am still not sure if I am or not :wacko: )
I used to have a really terrible fear of being placed against my will in some old victorian pyschiatric hospital out on the moors, drugged up, and left there for years locked up, with really violent seriously ill pyschiatric patients. Looking back I can laugh about it, but at the time I was really convinced I was going to end up there :scared15: Its only now that my anxiety has subsided that I can see it was my anxiety making me think that way.
Its your anxiety that is making you think you are becoming a schizophrenic.

08-04-09, 11:41
yes poppy , i agree anxiety makes you think the funniest things!!!! Glad you are having a good day, yesterday i had a decent day but today feel spacey again . what dose are you on and do you get spaciness after taking your meds ? lucy

08-04-09, 11:49
Hi Lucy! :)
Thanks for your reply.
I started off on a very low dose of citalopram and now still on a low dose 15mg - I will be increasing them. I have reacted to 15mg very strongly and I am taking it slowly.
I started off feeling great, then had a few blips, and now back to feeling great again. I do get the 'spacey' feeling but I am beginning to notice that it is diminishing a little bit. I think as time goes on the side effects should fade. I used to get really tired and yawn all the time but that has now gone.
I just have a massive craving for sweets now! lol
What doseage are you taking and how long have you been taking them for?

08-04-09, 13:26
poppy i am on 4th day of reduction to 20mg i was on higher dose but they made me really spacey and have stupid thoughts and headaches all the time, this is the reason i have reduced....feel spacey still today and tired but suppose its still early days lucy x

09-04-09, 11:36
Hi Poppy,

You always brighten up my day when I see your lovely picture of a Poppy. I love Poppies, and also love your name "Poppy." I am also on Citalopram as well. Please keep writing your posts.
Keith xxx

09-04-09, 14:22
Awww thanks Alan! :blush: xx