View Full Version : too worried!

06-04-09, 12:47
Hello all

For the past month or maybe a little more i had pains in my legs. Both of them.Usually in the part where they meet my body, or my calves or behind my knees. I also have lower back pains mostly on the left side. Two weeks ago i started having pain in my abdomen. I went to the doctor and had an ultrasound of my ubdomen as well a doppler ultrasound of my heart. Both were clear. Before my abdomen pain started i didn't even noticed the pain in my legs that much. Now i am panicking! I am convinced i have either dvt or an abdominal aneurysm. I am 27 and a female and i try to tell myself that abdominal aneurysms are too rare at this age and that the ultrasounds would have shown something. But i am not that good at persuading me.I am sure the doctor missed something!...I feel so awful and i have trouble sleeping since i am too afraid. Today is going to be the first day i am going to be alone at home because my boyfriend is away on business. I am not really sure how i can cope with that. These are the worst panics i get since all this health anxiety started 10 years ago. Its demoralizing since i thought i was almost over it but i guess i was wrong...

Thanks for reading my long post! Just wanted to tell someone.xxx

06-04-09, 15:59
An abdominal aneurysm would show up on the ultrasound - 100% sure of this as about 2 yrs ago I had weird feelings of pressure above my tummy button that were bad enough to stop me sleeping. I saw an out of hrs Dr who thought she could feel a huge aneurysm:wacko: and I got ambulanced to hospital where they were waiting for me in A&E with ultrasound machine. My aorta was completely normal at 2.1cms, what she had felt was air in my bowel:D

About a year later I had an abdominal and pelvic utlrasound and when I mentioned the above to the radiographer she said my aorta was still compeltely normal as it is done as routine part of any ultrasound of abdomen.