View Full Version : Just a Hi

Scouser Tommy
06-04-09, 14:15
This is just a Hi to all out there, I am hoping by registering on this site it will enable me to understand and help with all my wifes difficulties and problems, we are trying to stay strong and work through them together, although every time another hurdle appears for whatever reason I feel I always take the blame, this is becoming frustrating as there is no talking to her when this happens just tears and shouting. Im not the best at expressing myself so silence usually follows. I bottle it up but it is now affecting the children and my work (which is a problem as I work in a very dangerous environment). Gotta go for now thanks for reading, lets hope she doesn't recognise me from this post.

06-04-09, 17:44
Hi there and :welcome: to the site. Well done for supporting your wife, there is loads of good advice on here that helps a lot, and the chatroom is also very good , take care xx

06-04-09, 18:19

Welcome to NMP. Many here will be able to relate how you are feeling and will give their support. We also have many carers here too.

Take care,


Veronica H
06-04-09, 21:19
:welcome: Tommy

You will find comfort and support here.
