View Full Version : docs tomorrow so fed up!

06-04-09, 15:59
HI GUYS really on a low at the mo wondering if its a case of post natal dep or just down in the dumps. I have my follow up appointment about the lump in my boob that i found a month ago and its still very much there so im really scared about whats going to happen. Found a new lump in my gum above a tooth i need root canal in, its hard & when i press it it makes my teeth feel weird like pressure & i am conviced i have cervical cancer but the doc wont give me a smear. I am petrified one of these is bound to be cancer as i have 2 lumps :( just having a moan :(

06-04-09, 16:21
Hi there. I'm sorry to hear you found a lump, it'll probably turn out to be a cyst but I can completely understand why you're so worried. I have a lump in my chest but it gets smaller and bigger throughout the month so I'm putting it down to it being a hormonal thing...I'm trying to convince myself it is anyway.

Why are you so convinced you have cervical cancer? When was the last time you had a smear test?

06-04-09, 18:53
The lump in your gum is more likely to be the beginnings of an abcess - which may come to nothing (a lump near a root canal is quite common)... especially if it is above a potential root canal, you should probably see your dentist.... and why won't your doctor give you a smear? Have you had one recently? Or are you too young?
I also have a lump in my boob - that I had checked out - two or three times as it wouldn't go away. Was eventually told that it was a cyst and may never go - but would go up and down and that the area would always feel lumpy unless I had it removed.... which was unnecessary, apparently.... It's still there but, oddly with my anxiety, I have learnt to live with it - though I do get yearly boob checks...

Poor you - it sounds like you're at the end of your rope... but hard though this is to believe - most lumps are not cancer - they normally always have a simple explanation...

06-04-09, 20:02
hey guys, thanks i am 21 and the doc refuses to give me a smear as im too young asked 3 times now. TBH the only reason i think i have it is because of recent media events & a slight yellow discarge but no infection etc, i think im just beimg silly about that one when i am being rational. the lump in my boob has been there since my son was 8 days old ( now 9 weeks) doc thinks its a milk cyst as i was breast feeduing at the time. She wants to see me every month to monitor it, i take comfort in the fact she hasnt rushed me to the breast clinic but it just plays on my mind & finally my tooth had a hole in it and the filling fell out 2 weeks ago went to the dentist & he packed it full of antiseptic stuff and told me to go back on the 20th for rooth canal work, he did say the root was infected and thts why he couldnt do anything grrr. I just worry all the time about everything :(

06-04-09, 22:59
Great news on all counts. The lump on gum is DEF an infection... under control obviously. The lump is almost certainly a milk duct (which is what mine was/is too.... really common with breast feeding and after it). And you are too young for a smear test and we are all frightened by Jade Goody and what happened to her - so your fear there is totally understandable. I think your GP would refer you if she thought your lump was in any way a problem and you are VERY young in terms of breast cancer....so it's almost certainly a blocked milk duct...

That being said - you are obviously really anxious and that, in itself, is horrid but for what it's worth - I think you're ok and that the two lumps have totally reasonable explanations and as for the smear test - again that is your fear playing games with you. Plus with a 9 week old baby, you're probably exhausted and hormonal - which won't help.

Try and stay strong.... you're all GOOD!!