View Full Version : Has anyone else had aching and tingling in just the right leg

06-04-09, 18:46
About 4 weeks ago now, my right leg started tingling and then was aching for a coupla days. Then it went away. It has now come back, just in my right leg and it goes down to my foot and feels tingly and numb. Just wondered if anyone else out there just gets certain aches and pains in one limb rather than both. I would be really interested to know.

07-04-09, 01:59
Yes, I have a problem with my right leg. Alternating pain, numbness, buzzing, weird sensations, and sometimes nothing. Right now my toes feel numb in my right foot. I did go to my dr about it and he said it sounded like irritated or trapped nerves and I could go to physical therapy if it didn't get better. It is really annoying, isn't it?

07-04-09, 02:31
you should read my thread about one sided weakness! you're worried about it in one limb, i worry about it on my whole right side!! im sure its nothing too sinister but your doctor can reassure you. ive tried to teach myself to think that my aches and pains arent necessarily always as serious as i think and most people without health anxiety wouldnt give it a second thought :)
feel better soon :)

07-04-09, 03:47
I get persistent but not constant aches and numbness like this frequently. I am seeing a chiropractor now and doing yoga. The chiro seems to think that I just have a tweaked spine and that is causing my problems. Good luck and don't google.


07-04-09, 07:41
Many times!
Hope you feel better.


07-04-09, 10:16
I have a lot of back problems , mine are caused by my discs ( Large bulges) and arthritis which causes severe pain a lot of the time , it affects my mobility a lot ,and the symptoms are tingling , pins and needles, I also have numbness which has lasted for 9 mths now , so you could have a mild disc bulge which a pyhsiotherapist would be able to help you with or a chiropracter , sometimes it can be something as simple as our posture or the way we lift things as well that can cause back problems, but it's nothing sinister to worry about xx