View Full Version : Hello

06-04-09, 20:24
Hi everyone,

My name is Erica and I am 31yo. After one year of suffering from what I thought were strokes, heart attacks, cancer, MS, parkinson's, brain tumour, lyme disease, basilar artery migraine and so on and so on. Also having had several CAT scans, MRI, EEG, ECG, x-rays, ultra sounds, complete lymph node work up, blood and urine tests galore (phew long list) and seeing numerous specialist, all for everything to just keep coming back as ''normal' I was finally sent to a phyciatrist and diagnosed with panic disorder, GAD, agraphobia and o.c.d .

So now starts the road to recovery I guess. This may sound strange but I still stuggle with feelings of....What if they are wrong and I really do have something more nefarious in nature that the Dr's have just missed and now they will just disscount me because of my anxiety.

I haven't felt well in a year now, even when I'm not in a state of panic I stuggle. I always feel tired, have headachs, feel dizzy and disoriented, muscle pain and tension especially in the neck and shoulders, numbness/ pins and needels in the face, arms and legs and have what the phyciatrist called disassociation. Can anyone relate to this? I feel like I am going crazy and am totally alone.

I am glad I found no more panic though :)


07-04-09, 12:44
Hi Erica,

Welcome to NMP. Many here will be able to relate how you are feeling and will give their support.

Take care,


07-04-09, 15:16
Hi there and :welcome: to the site, lots of good advice and support on here and the chatroom is very good as well, take care xx