View Full Version : Bloody stool

06-04-09, 23:13
Hello everyone , i previously posted a thread on my anxiety which started almost 2 months ago.. Ever since then i have had 2 ekgs 2 blood tests,a chest xray al came back good.. and i have still been light headed.. almost 2months now.. all day everyday sometmes it is less wose than othertimes. I just want it gone now though i can barely handle it anymore. About 2 weeks ago i started getting blood in my stool, light red and darker red, with white mucuous or slimy substance on it.. I went in to get it checked out.. got blood test on friday no call back since then.. Soo nothing seems to be wrong with the blood. There is no pain during a bowel movement, but i am getting constant gas.. come contipation , and the feeling of having to go right after i have gone. This has been going on for 2 weeks ,and i am starting to freak out... on top of this iam light headed... why is all his happening to me can it nlot be f**king fixed..

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06-04-09, 23:18
Some of those things sound like classic IBS, but I've always believed that blood in the stool should be checked out - it's probably just a small tear especially if the blood is bright red, and they can give you treatment for that. I sympathise - I have a load of crappy symptoms right now and the doc doesn't even want to do any tests, I'm so fed up I just want it to go away :weep: so yeah I really sympathise, but I'm sure deep down neither of us have anything seriously wrong...it's just the stupid anxiety...that's what I keep telling myself anyhoo...

06-04-09, 23:27
Thanks for the insight my friend.. i hope you are correct and it is nothing serious.. but i will pobably have to get a colonoscopy in order to find out truly what it is. Its just hard to deal with when you have the lightheaded symptom as well.. its like my body is falling apart. i am only 24 i quit smoking 1 month ago, i eat really healthy, fish oil daily, multivitamin, and a veggie fruit supplement which has digestive enzymes. I only drink tea water and juice.. no soft drinks. I am not sure though if ibs can cause bloody mucuous in the stool... all this sarted happening the next day when i drank a glass of wholly tea.. it is a tea of all natural ingredents that detoxifys your body.. is this coincidence or could this have bee nthe problem.. it basically makes you s**t and cleans out yur system , using herbs and such. this is the same day i got a day Fever and was really sick just fr one day. Then the next day the blood in the s**t started. My stool is basically streaked with the blood.. there is no blood actually inside it just on top of it soo.. i am not sure

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06-04-09, 23:36
A friend of mine had the stool symptoms you describe, she was totally freaked out (she has HA too and was having panic attacks all over the place) but it was just a simple fissure, she had a colonoscopy to check the diagnosis and then she was on...I think it was called GTN....and it cleared right up. I would definitely get it checked out but be reassured that the most common explanation is something really non-serious and easily treated.

The light-headedness might 'just' be anxiety (oh how easy it is to be rational about someone else's symptoms!). It's not a symptom I get unless I'm actually about to have a PA but I know other people get it. Have they done simple checks like blood pressure and anaemia?

06-04-09, 23:44
Thanks for the information and advice you are a good person. Yea i hae been assured the lightheadedness is anxiety by my phych and 2 other doctors..bood pressure is good , no anaemic, ekg good, resting heart rate of about 66. Maybe i am going crazy withall this , last week i wentto the urgent cre at the hospitalcuse i felt like i couldnt get enough oxygen i was checked out and everything gave me a chest xay and ekg and it was all fine.. every little function that i percieve to be bad i am making it out to be a life threatening disease and i cant help it. The most sobering thing for my ailments and lightheadeness is sitting in the hospital.. seeing a bunch of other people in bad shape , and knowing that help is close by.. i just cant convince myself that i m not going to die soon.. thanks for the support though hel;ps alot!

07-04-09, 00:05
We're as bad as each other :)