View Full Version : Newbie

06-04-09, 23:50
Hi Everyone

31 year old male here. I have been off work for around 2 months now after having panic attacks. After CBT and trying beta-blockers & cipralex (never again) I now seem to be in a constant state of anxiety. I'm trying a few self help things now to see how that will go. Really don't want to try meds again as they just don't agree with me. Cipralex had climbing the walls with irrational thoughts. I really don't know where to go from here as a physciatrist told me being away from work has made my anxiety worst. I personally think that's cr*p and it's just that being off is giving me more time to think about things.

Veronica H
07-04-09, 10:27
:welcome:Brian. Meds are not for everyone. If you go to the nmp shop you can download Dr Claire Weekes for free to your Ipod. She will put your mind at rest about what you are feeling and provide a way forward. Glad that you have found us.


07-04-09, 12:46
Hi Brian,

Welcome to NMP. Perhaps you might get better use from talking to a Psychologist, they don't prescribe meds. You will find that many here understand how you are feeling and will give their support.

Take care,


07-04-09, 13:34
Thanks for your kind words.

The doctor gave me Mirtazipine after the other meds weren't working too great.

I never took them and after reading some of the stories about it, doesn't sound like it is any better that the Cipralex.

I just feel all the doctors can do is either throw meds or give you as much time as possible to figure out what is wrong with you.

I am now more anxious than ever. I have lost a good therapist as I can no longer afford the weekly sessions. I am seeing another through work but not going too good to be honest. I am now awaiting word when I can attend a focus group through NHS, but the physciatrist said it could be some time.

I feel very disorientated now and keep waking up with negative thoughts which continue throughout the day. Such as my family would be better off without me.

Not sure where to go. Would prefer the self help method as drugs just don't seem to do anything for me


07-04-09, 15:18
Hi there and :welcome: to the site, lots of good advice and support on here, it really does help a lot, and the chatroom is very good as well, take care xx

07-04-09, 16:37
Hi and welcome :)


07-04-09, 18:26
welcome lots of support here for you its a great site

07-04-09, 19:32
Hello and Welcome!!!
I hope this site will be as helpful to you as it is to me. It really has made a difference to how I feel.
You say your family would be better off without you...think about it...they would be devastated...you wouldn't be around and so your suffering would be over but theirs would just be beginning.
I am so sorry you feel so down but honestly things can improve and do improve. I am proof of that statement.
We are all in similar situations on this site and we all help each other. Hopefully this site will be as beneficial to you as it has been to me.
I have just started on medication.I have done the self help thing only and now trying meds plus self help. Have you tried all the anti depressants? What forms of therapy have you tried? What self help are you doing?
You will never know if mirtzapine works for you if you dont try it. What doesnt work for one person may work for another.
Gps do hand out pills only because they are not therapists and unfortunately dont have time to sit and chat with us about our problems.
Keep posting as you will get a lot of support on here.

07-04-09, 20:42
Hello and Welcome!!!
I hope this site will be as helpful to you as it is to me. It really has made a difference to how I feel.
You say your family would be better off without you...think about it...they would be devastated...you wouldn't be around and so your suffering would be over but theirs would just be beginning.
I am so sorry you feel so down but honestly things can improve and do improve. I am proof of that statement.
We are all in similar situations on this site and we all help each other. Hopefully this site will be as beneficial to you as it has been to me.
I have just started on medication.I have done the self help thing only and now trying meds plus self help. Have you tried all the anti depressants? What forms of therapy have you tried? What self help are you doing?
You will never know if mirtzapine works for you if you dont try it. What doesnt work for one person may work for another.
Gps do hand out pills only because they are not therapists and unfortunately dont have time to sit and chat with us about our problems.
Keep posting as you will get a lot of support on here.

I was initially given Beta blockers which just gave me headaches but I did feel like the phsical symptoms were somewhat diluted. I was then given Cipralex, which after 4 days had me climbing the walls and gave me thoughts of suicide which I hadn't had b4. The doctor gave me Mirtazipine but I have not taken these and she has not really forced the issue for me to take them. This is due to the possible side affects again. If they were the same as the Cipralex I couldn't handle it. I have been having CBT along with this but I had to give this up due to financial circumstances. I have 4 free sessions with an occupational therapist which I have had 2 of. All she keeps saying is plan out the future. This is hard when you can't deal with the present. Self help wise I am doing a CBT workbook "Mastery of your anxiety and Panic"

My wife thinks I'm better when I'm not on meds. She suggested spending some time away from the family to give me time to think and get better. I don't think this would help, I really need them around just now. Although I think they would like the space too. I'm not much fun to be around just now.

I think the reason I am so low just now is that I have felt that I was getting better then for some unknown reason I just felt low