View Full Version : Wisdom Teeth...(I'm 18)

07-04-09, 02:43
Never crossed my mind til i went to the doctor last week with a really sore throat and thought it was my tonsils. he said it could be my wisdom teeth making my tonsils inflamed but i don't know as i do have pain at the back of my jaw but it isn't constant. i get a lot of face pains and i just put everything down to anxiety normally but could that be something to do with my teeth? i haven't been to the dentist in a really long time (silly me lol) and my mum had to have her wisdom teeth out when she was 20 as they were impacted. well anyway, does anyone have anything to say to help me get to the bottom of this? p.s im going to the dentist soon! :)

07-04-09, 02:56
So the pain is in the jaw or do you feel the pain in the back area where your wisdom teeth are? . Facial pains can be associated with wisdom teeth hitting certain nerves which can cause a few uncomftorable things. Are your wisdom teeth poking out or are they still under the gums? Goto the dentist like you said get it checked it .. dont worry it is nothing serious.

Little Miss Anxious
07-04-09, 10:48
I got my wisdom teeth when I was about 19 & it caused all manner of wierd symptoms - I knew how babies felt when they were teething, no wonder they cry bless them !!

Dont worry about not having been to the dentist for so long, I didnt go from the age of 20 to 34 :noangel: & only had to have one teeny weeny filling after all that time (& that was one from about 20 years ago which was coming loose). Once you have been though try & go for check ups once a year or so, at least that way you should aviod any major problems in the future....it can work out a lot less expensive that way too !