View Full Version : Bolt out of the blue

07-04-09, 04:17
Working at my bench Monday morning, then came the meeting, we were off site and redundant by midday! ..... bolt out of the blue, second time in 7 years.

07-04-09, 07:08
Hi Dave,

Sorry to hear that, hang in there x

take care


07-04-09, 08:11
So sorry mate im gutted for you.
But keep smiling hun im sure something will turn up soon...things must get better.
Take care Dave
:bighug1: :bighug1: :bighug1: :bighug1:

07-04-09, 08:31
Thanks Tigger and Lesley:hugs: xxx
Hey, the sun is shining and the garden beckons.
Had a few beers with a workmate yesterday, staying dry today lol:blush:

Hey, anybody got an up-to-date CV format they could send me?


07-04-09, 10:11
I do dave, I recruit people as I am a mangager with a team of 13 under me, am always interviewing let me know what you need.

07-04-09, 10:30
Hi Vicky, many thanks.
Could you send me a CV format?, I believe there is one in MS Word?
Maybe you could direct me to a Website?.



07-04-09, 10:44
Hi Dave,

No proble, I will send it when I get home hun, there are lots of tips I have to for what my company looks for in a prospective candidate..

Ill drop you a line when i gt home xx

07-04-09, 11:26
Dave chap

Sorry to hear that, everyone around me is getting laid off.

Only on Friday a mate of mine got made redundant from the only job he ever had since he was 16, 29 years later.

This silver lining better hurry up and show soon.

Good luck mate


07-04-09, 19:25
thanks Jaco, feeling a bit wobbly but I'll get myself sorted:yesyes:

07-04-09, 19:58
Oh Dave, sorry to hear you've been made redundant, hopefully things will start to improve soon although I know thats no consolation to you just now. I know lots of people up here who are feeling very edgy about their futures too...its horrible.

Sounds like vicky has some good tips for you though..

take care

Coni XX

eternally optimistic
07-04-09, 20:23
hi Dave

sorry to hear your news.

its hard at the moment, isnt it.

hope you get something soon.

all the best.

08-04-09, 02:33
Hi Dave

So sorry to hear about the redundancy m8. I know what it's like I was made redundant 4 times:ohmy: I'm sure you'll find something else pretty soon, hope you got a good pay out that will keep you going until you find something else suitable for ya.

Fingers crossed:yesyes:

Take care

08-04-09, 04:48
Thanks Coni, feels desperate at times, especially in the early hours of the mornings, but don't worry, I'll get through this.

Dave x

08-04-09, 07:13
hi dave apologies i didnt send anything over last night, i went to doctors and my heart was racing and had to lie down there while she gave me two valiums, hubby had to pick me up...how silly am off work today so will try and get stuff over to you once I have got out of bed!

08-04-09, 07:19
Hi Guys and Gals, thanks lots for all your support.:yesyes:

Vicky, you take care, rest up, I'll PM you :hugs:

08-04-09, 10:05
Hi Dave

Sorry to hear of your redundancy mate. Hope things work out for the best soon !
:bighug1: :bighug1: