View Full Version : 6th day on citalopram

07-04-09, 09:40
Well i got put on citalopram lats wednesday and have been taking them since then, i got put on 20mg. i have had a few side effects wierd dreams, feeling sick, shaking, not sleeping well. i am parinoid into thinking that these are not real pills, how would you no weather or not they are real? and as well yesterday i felt happy which was great i anit felt like that in ages. could this be the citalopram or was i just having a good day? thanks :)

07-04-09, 13:55
Hi pinkemobunny the side effecs will go soon. You know that they are real because of the side effects you are experiencing. Thats great you felt good yesterday and yes it is possible that the citalopram has upped your mood a bit but it has only been a week so it will take a few weeks to build up and really kick in properly. Have faith in the med it really does work x

07-04-09, 14:17
yes i no im just parinoid that the doctors have give me fake tablets or something and im just imagining the side effects.

Marc EH
07-04-09, 19:00
I'm having faith too - I'm on day 6 and still feel pretty bad (light head and blurred vision) but hoping it will improve soon!! :)

08-04-09, 00:07
It will improve I promise just hang in there x

08-04-09, 08:23

08-04-09, 12:14
Hi, if you're having those side effects they are definitely the real thing :D

08-04-09, 12:22
thanks, yes im having a few of the side effects its my first week been on them and it anit been an easy week i just hope these kick in soon.

08-04-09, 12:27
Week one was horrible for me, week two started to become bearable, week three is up and down, but each week has been noticeably better than the ones before, so keep your chin up and stick with it, you will be glad you did when the medication starts to kick in :D

08-04-09, 12:28
Hi Emma :)
Take if from me who whinges most days about the side effects of citalopram that they do eventually start to kick in and the side effects begin to wear off.
Poet is right in saying that if you are having side effects then you know the tablets are the real thing! lol
Gps would not prescribe placebo pills because they would be struck off I am sure for doing so.
I have found it quite hard going at times - especially last week - and was ready to stop taking them, but I had so much support, encouragement and and help off everyone on the site, that I continued and I am so happy that I have. I am having a great day again today!!! Thanks Citalopram !:bighug1:
Hopefully they will kick in soon for you and you will feel so much better.:yesyes:

08-04-09, 12:41
Thanks all of you for your support i no i have just got to hang in they and let it start to work its just going to take a while and unfortunutly i have the side effects to go with it but i guess its worth it if i get better.

08-04-09, 19:15
It is all so worth it in the end! As you get better and the med starts working properly the side effects become a distant memory! And you begin to live properly again, like you deserve to! chin up x