View Full Version : I DESPERATLEY need help

07-04-09, 09:52
Hi everyone,
My name is Danielle and i'm 22 years old. I started having a series of panic attacks about a year and a half ago. They were something i could deal with, but now things have started to change. I have been feeling as if there is something wrong with me. I feel like i'm going crazy. My head feels heavy constantly. I feel dizzy all the time and I cant seem to concentrate on anything. I have panic feelings all the time. I feel like inside i'm going crazy. Tomorrow i have my first appointment with a Cognitive behavioral therapist. I just dont know what he'll be able to do for me. I seem so lost in all this that I don't think i can get out anymore. I have to try and make myself get out of bed and its affecting my whole life. I'm constantly scared. I don't feel myselft. I hope to meet some people on here who feel the same as me, but that can encourage me to become better. I need support.

07-04-09, 10:20
Hi and :welcome: to Nmp.You'll get lots of help and advice here, I hope cbt helps tomorrow x

Veronica H
07-04-09, 10:22
:welcome: Dani. Glad that you have found us. You will find comfort and great support here. You are not going mad. If you go to the nmp shop you can download Dr Claire Weekes for free to your Ipod. She will put your mind at rest about what you are feeling. CBT is a very good way forward.


07-04-09, 10:35
Hi danielle

I am so glad that you have found this site so that you can begin your recovery. You will find similar experiences that other people have suffered and with there support and encouragement you will find the way forward.

What you describe is a condition called free floating anxiety, this is anxiety that is with you most of the time and causes everything that you describe. The heaviness of the head is tired neck and shoulder muscles due to tension. The way forward is to accept that all of your symptoms and sensations are just your bodys response to nerve sensitisation and the fatigue associated with this heightened body response. what you have is a abnormal behavioural response to the extreme anxiety which is I am sure is driving the panic attacks. So basically you are frightened of being frightened, I have been there and it is very unpleasent but I can assure you however bad you feel it will never harm you. As Veronica said read or listen to Dr Claire Weeks advice and you will start to heal, slowly but surely. You must take small steps and nerves take a long time to settle usually around 8 weeks.

Best of luck with your CBT.

07-04-09, 12:50
Hi Dani,

Welcome to NMP. Many here will be able to relate how you are feeling and will give their support.

Take care,


07-04-09, 12:53
Hi Danielle, I am in my thirties now and experienced exactly what you describe in my early twenties and I know from my experience that it is very common and there is plenty help available now. I was the same as you at that time, I was scared to stand in a que in a shop,when someone was speaking to me I felt spaced out and felt that they knew, and probably loads of things you can associate with. The good news is that I am much better though still have some low moods and you will be better too. It is good that you have sought help and have support on here too. Bear in mind that not all the same things work for the same people so don't be disheartened if cbt doesn't work for you or if it takes more time than you hoped (it is essentially reprogramming your thought processes as far as I am aware and it can work, but may take a little time).

The main things to remember then are that, you are certainly not alone, there is much support out there and you will start feeling better soon and continue to do so, all the best, hugs Steph x

07-04-09, 15:17
Hi there and :welcome: to the site, lots of good advice and support on here and the chatroom is very good as well, take care xx

08-04-09, 12:05
Hi Danielle, :hugs:

:welcome: to NMP. It's great that you've joined. There is so much information & help here.

I can totally relate to the feelings that you describe. :hugs:

Best wishes :flowers: