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07-04-09, 10:10
Hello this is the first time i've posted on here. Here goes, I've been scared to go for my smear test and was a year overdue but went for it on the 31st March. While I was there I asked the nurse if I was at risk of cancer because when I was 17 I caught genital warts (had unprotected sex twice). I'm now almost 32 and haven't had them since. I nearly fainted when she said yes I was! So now I've been looking on the internet and have read about hpv and I'm sure my smear is going to come back showing something bad. Its only been a week and I can't eat and can't stop shaking and feeling sick.
Since Christmas I've been having back and hip pain and am now thinking I must definately have something horrible. Not sure if I can go 6-8 weeks feeling like this.

07-04-09, 15:02
Hi there- I had never had a bad pap until 2 years ago. It was very scarey! I was told the cells the level 1 so most likely NOT cancer. I had to go back the next week for them to look...coloscopy (sp?) but they could not do it because I was not sure if I was preg. or not at the time. It turned out to be HPV. I am 31 so the vaccine would not have helped me at all. I then had to go back every 6 months for a repeat pap until I had 2 in a row come back normal. I did that and now I am due for my 1st one since this month. Please do not be scared. You should be more scared not going b/c the point of paps is early detection. If there are cells there, they just freeze them off. You would be better knowing than waiting until it is too late.
STAY OFF OF THE INTERNET! It makes things worse and is very broad and general. If you do have HPV, you could have gotten it the 1st time u had sex and never known it. You just need to make sure and get yearly paps if you have it. Back and hip pain are not symptoms of cancer. If you had cervical cancer, your periods would be wacky too. Hope this helps you to relax.

07-04-09, 15:27
Please try not to worry. I didn't have my first smear until I was 28 and everything was OK (very naughty of me I know - but my anxiety stopped me)

I am now waiting for another one to come back, stressing as usual, but hoping it will be OK. If you are only a year overdue then if there had been any changes I am sure it wouldn't have been long enough for it to turn into cancer.

I know its easier said than done to not worry and the waiting time is excrutiating isn't it?

My one was 4 weeks agao today and it feels like forever already

The nurse should have tried to have been a bit more supportive not say yes just like that.

07-04-09, 19:10
Thank you so much for replying. It just feels such a long time to feel so stressed like this. I'm thinking of going back to the doctors to talk about it and maybe see if I can go back on citalopram. Been off it since january. My husband won't talk to me because he's sick of the way I am, so i'm glad i can talk to people on here who know how it feels.

thanks again xxxxxxxxx

07-04-09, 23:07
Hi there - I also had HPV - and had a few problems but all clear now - the cells were treated and the HPV is now gone. By the by, age has nothing to do with the efficacy of the vaccine... you just won't get it free if you're over 25... if you are clear of HPV, then the vaccine would work (despite your age)... but you would have to pay for it and it ain't cheap.... I know this because I am going to have it... after lots of thinking about it - my gynaecologist has offered me a monthly scheme to pay for it... which I've decided to do... and I'm 38...

The nurse should have explained it a bit more and been less cold - but HPV does not mean cancer... it just means that you can be pre-disposed to dodgy cells depending on what strain of HPV you have... 75% of women have HPV - and a lot of the HPV cases clear up on their own... and if yours has now gone and it's only been a year - then you'll be fine.

We all HATE smears.... and I'll bet most of us, at least once or twice in our lives, have avoided them...

You will be fine - try not to stress - I always feel such a hypocrite saying that because I always stress about everything but, honestly, you'll be grand.

08-04-09, 08:03
I didn't have my first smear until i was 26 cause i was too scared then when i did i was petrified of the results because i read that if you have your first child before age 17 you are at a higher risk of cervical cancer. i had my first baby at 16 and 2nd at 23 and never went for my 6 week check up or smears. but my smears results come back fine even though i do suffer with discharge which also worried me.

08-04-09, 08:49
i had abnormal cells removed in 2000, and since then have a smear every year which have come back normal. About 3 years ago i found genital warts !, i was absolutely gutted as i have been with my fiance for 11 years so i must have caught the virus as a teenager ( i am 34 now). I had to have them removed and i was mortified. Since then i have had 1 smear come back clear again and had another last week.
We all can't help but think the worst case scenario, its the health anxiety. Don't google, as someone mentioned in a thread i read 'Google is not a doctor'.