View Full Version : will i stop breathing

07-04-09, 12:45
Hi guys I've been fine all week my last panic attack was last tuesday, my boyfriend started bk to wrk yesterday I'm so bard I kept waking up gasping for air last nt like I was holding my breath. Now today I can't breath my throat is tight and my chest. And I'm coughing stuff up like flem I got another 2 hrs before my boyfriends home wat my going to do tilll then.
Do u think that I could just stop breathing. I'm afraid to sleep just incase I hold my breath again.

Iim doing deep breathing don think it helps, I'm to weak to move and very off balance and giddy. Please help

07-04-09, 12:48
Hey nicola,

It is impossible for your body to suffocate you by itself sweetheart, don't worry! It sounds to me like this is all anxiety symtpoms.

Take care,

Danny xxx

07-04-09, 12:53
Thanxs dan, I just feel so ill and unwell, I'm in bed now can just about lift my head I feel so so weak. So it just anxiety coming bk to bitme twice has hard. You sure. I hope so I think I'm dying

07-04-09, 13:03
nicola if flem is coming up also you might have a chest infection that you thinks anxiety or maybe all anxiety related but you wont stop breathing and dont breathe to deep in 1 2 3 4 out 1 2 3 4 ....to deep breathing can cause giddiness ...try and relax as best you can

07-04-09, 13:27
Worrying that you are dying is a classic symptom of anxiety hun, honestly, look it up on the forums here; so many people are the same.


07-04-09, 13:39
Hi Nicola

The waking up gasping for breath is an anxiety symptom, its basis is usually an abnormal breathing pattern, usually hyperventilation. I expect you are breathing rapidly and quite shallow and more than likely using your upper chest. All of these faulty breathing habits cause the flight and fight response and the weakness that you describe. Have a look at the website Chronic Hyperventilaton Syndrome a diagnosis begging for recognition. It describes perfectly what you are feeling and I know from personal experience the discomfort and abject feelings that faulty breathing patterns can produce. There is a saying that the mind creates information you can act on but it is the breathing that makes sense of it all.

So the way out of it is this, take normal sized breaths using the diaphram and slow your breathing rate to about 10 per minute. Practice for two minutes twice a day and increase slowly to 5 mins twice a day. Dont do any longer as if you are suffering from anxiety then extending breathing retraining can give you a panic attack.

All the best

07-04-09, 19:37
thanks guys. the breathing thing is a nightmare i got a bad anxiety day. i been keeping busy painting. everytime i sit down if just for a cuppa its bk on me nightmare

08-04-09, 03:10
i checked out the website chronic hyperventerlation very similar symtoms to anxiety but i hope i havent got it, it says from breathing wrong can kill u unless them words was standing out and i got it wrong. hope so....

08-04-09, 03:41
.... noo that is just garbage breathing wrong cannot kill you. It is virtually impossible to suffocate yourself. If you are concerned do the easiest test ever go get a chest xray to give you reassurance just dont blow this out of proportion you are probably ok. The other day i went down to urgent care at the hospital beecause i thought i was having trouble breathing got an ekg and chest xray all ok.. i was doing it to myself. my mind was making me thing that i couldnt get enough oxygen.! just relax your boyfriend is home now.. hopefully this has given you some relaxation its always good to have someone to support you.

08-04-09, 04:17
I had this. It lasted for about 4 days, everytime I would start to nod off I would wake up gasping for air.

I was too afraid to go to sleep.. I took myself to the hospital, and they said everything was okay, but it still happened, so I went to my GP and she said that I was having panic attacks in my sleep. I didn't believe her because my anxiety hadn't been bothering me so I was convinced something was wrong..

The night after that it just stopped and I haven't had it again since, I made my bf watch me going to sleep though incase I stopped breathing and I was fine.

It is probably just a panic attack like mine was, it's not nice I know, it scared the hell out of me, but it'll pass :]

08-04-09, 12:42
Hi Nicola

No I think you read it out of context as the only people in any real danger of problems with hyperventilation are those with coronary heart disease, due to vasoconstriction brought on by hyperventilation and the disturbance of the acid balance of the blood. Sambapati is right hyperventilation will be unpleasent but not harmfull so dont concern yourself. I just thought that the website I mentioned may be reassuring in that the correct website spells it out so well and does indicate it is very rarely implicated in any mortality and only where I mentioned earlier, and is implicated in gross morbidity such as exercise intolerance, anxiety, panic attacks and other symptoms and sensations. I hope this puts your mind at rest.

All the best

08-04-09, 13:39

Don't google! I sffer from panic attacks in my sleep, which are extremely unpleasant. Especially when you initially have no idea what it is.

Try having a hot bath, hot drink, hot water bottle to go to bed with to try and relax as much as possible.

09-04-09, 02:16
hi guys yes i totally read it out of context i was in a panic and scanned everything. but thanks for the info and support. i want to go for chest xray but i dont want to waste people time and my family will just think here we go.
but it can happen anytime it worse when im on my own and driving i resort all my attention to my breathing and think s**t im over breathing im going to pass out im driving ill kill someone so im staying in unless someone takes me somewhere then again i cant wait to get home, im going to be agraphobic if i carry on thats if im not already........

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09-04-09, 14:03
can anyone help. will i pass out when driving i overbreath all the time which always takes me into a panic attack. when out in the car i give all my attention to breathing will i pass out is there any chance ive never passed out before..

09-04-09, 17:34
come on guys i need advise please

13-04-09, 23:59
Hi Nicola, your body is designed to live. Breathing is absolutely essential for life. Your body will not just stop breathing. Even if your mind is anxious, your body will not surrender its will to keep on going. You'll be fine :)

15-04-09, 11:20
Hi Nicola

sorry I have not replied earlier but if you have not passed out by now with your hyperventilation then the chances are very slim. Sometimes if the hyperventilation is very extreme your body may make you go unconcious jut to regain control of your breathing pattern but that is extreamly rare. Your main problems are probably dizziness and anxiety symptoms with panic attacks. Try distraction and your breathing will regulate itself when it is not the main focus. I hope this helps.