View Full Version : upped my dose yesterday! 20mg-30mg!

07-04-09, 13:49
Hey all after a 'blip' lasted a week! I took myself to the doctor yesterday and she put me up to 30mg. I am on my second day of 30mg. So far the only side effect is lack of sleep. Took me ages to drift off last night, my head was buzzed up. My dreams were not as wacky though. I eventually did sleep though for a few hours. Im actually feeling a lot calmer already. Looking forward to the dose building up and kicking in properly. The trauma we go through waiting for meds to work and trying to get through the days - we should all be proud of ourselves xxx:)

07-04-09, 14:02
Hi Asha!
Thats good news! I really hope they kick in and you feel fully better.
I am having a good day today:yesyes: Thank You for encouraging me to hang on in there and not give up! The trouble with me is that I dont have that much patience and expect things to happen overnight - I should know by now that it doesnt always work that way. I am going to up my doseage and see what happens. I love these good days, dont you! :)

07-04-09, 21:13
Yes poppy the good days are the best. Dont worry about upping your dose as I have not had any side effects whatsoever apart from finding it hard to get to sleep for a few hours. At least we have each other for support.x

07-04-09, 21:53
I .Found 30mg to be a real turning point ,im sure youll find this dose much betterAsha .Poppy if you up your dose by 5mg to start you wont feel bad ,all this finding the right dose buisness does your head in!but itll be worth it in the end .Stay positive love Sue:hugs: :flowers:

07-04-09, 21:55
Hey good for you!

I am on 40mg. I started on 20mg and 4 weeks later I went on to 40mg. The difference was so so big

Chin up!

07-04-09, 23:50
Yes I am feeling alot more positive that 30mg will be good for me xxxxxx