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07-04-09, 16:23
hi all, i have been sobbing my heart out & cant even think straight just had my follow up appointment for the lump in my boob & she said somethink about thickening in my boob but this could be because my period is due she then felt the lump & said she wasnt happy with it & is sending me straight to the breast clinic, i feel sick to my stomach. Im 21 i really dont want cancer, i keep thinking im going to have to leave my son and i just cant handle this worry :weep:

07-04-09, 16:32
hi all, i have been sobbing my heart out & cant even think straight just had my follow up appointment for the lump in my boob & she said something about thickening in my boob but this could be because my period is due she then felt the lump & said she wasn't happy with it & is sending me straight to the breast clinic, i feel sick to my stomach. Im 21 i really don't want cancer, i keep thinking im going to have to leave my son and i just cant handle this worry :weep:

I don't know if this will make you feel any better but a friend of mine had quite a few lumps in her boob and they turned out to be cysts

Just read this The majority of people referred to a breast clinic do not have breast cancer. However, among younger women at least, lumps are far more likely to be benign - in women under 40, more than nine out of ten breast lumps are benign. But these lumps still cause a lot of anxiety until they are sorted out.

07-04-09, 16:32
Aaawww Tasha, please try and calm down. I know how hard this must be for you, but would you maybe not feel worse if the Dr had dismissed it and said it was nothing? You would be worrying then that they were ignoring a problem.

I know it doesn't help with the worry that they want to look into further, but try and think of it as postive step and that IF and I say IF there is anything wrong they are dealing with it immediately.

Did the Dr say anything else?

Hugs xxxx

07-04-09, 16:34
See they just want to make sure and not take any chances


07-04-09, 16:40

i can understand how scared you are, but please do try and remember this happens to thousands of women and it still may be nothing, happened to my mum, and it turned out to be nothing, doc is looking after you hun and as scary as it is it is best to have it checked.
I do feel for you hun, lets hope and pray that it is nothing.

doctors are docs and they are not specialists in this field, that will be why doc is referring you, please try and keep hold of that thought and i know that is easier said than done.

di xx

07-04-09, 16:42
I can completely understand your fear, one mention of a breast clinic and the mind starts racing.

My step-mother over the course of 25 years has had at least a lump removed a year. All benign thank goodness and everytime she is sent to the clinc 'just to be sure'.

You definitely have age on your side.


07-04-09, 16:47
thanks for all the responses. She said that no glands are enlarged & it is smooth and 1cm by 5 mm she is just quite upfront and non caring so even though i explained i have anxiety she said well you will know soon. I know i have age on my side but im just really scared :( if i push the lump it moves ever so slightly nd i kept saying to her 'well its a good thing it moves right' & sh just wouldnt reasurre me :(

07-04-09, 16:47
Also you have just had a baby - there are going to be changes in you breasts.

My midwife said that to me after I had my daughter


07-04-09, 16:48

Similar thing happened to my best friend last year but it turned out to be a cyst and after course of antibiotics, the lump had gone.

Please try not to imagine the worst hun because it could well be something simple.

Bug hugs


07-04-09, 16:51
I doesn't help when the Drs are vague - it doesn't help to reassure you does it?

Can you phone your usual Dr and chat to them or even your midwife or health visitor. They are all there to help obviously they can't tell you one way or the other, but they may help to calm you down a bit xxx

Thats what I would do


07-04-09, 17:11
i dont have another doc :( i moved to this doc recentky. My head has gone in to over time. i keep getting really dizzy lately & im just linking it all to 'breast cancer' :(

07-04-09, 17:16

Sorry to hear this, but they are just trying to make sure they do not miss anything.

Just because you have a lump, it doesnt necessarily mean it will be cancerous. And if it were to be (which itis unlikely) , it will be caught early and you will be treated and recover. Cancer does not mean death

Let us know how you geton but try not to start googling and get yourself in a state. Chin up!



07-04-09, 17:24
Hi Tash

Please don't panic that you have been referred. It can be frightening waiting and wondering, but you'll feel so much better seeing the Specialists.
The chances of it being sinister are very slim, and at least a full check up will put your mind at rest.
I also had horrible experience with 'cold' staff, which made everything much, much worse on that day, but I also had brilliant staff, on other occasions, that helped enormously.
I hope you get your appointment soon and you can finally relax.

Pegs X

07-04-09, 17:42
It's the worst when you already feel awful,to THEN have robots for doctors. I feel for you hun.

And my mum had also a lump in her breast years and years ago and it turned out to be a cyst.

You're only 21,I am sure you will be alright,but God knows it must be terrifying.

You're probably getting dizzy now with getting hyped up,it wont be linked.

I'm in a bit of a state with thoughts at the moment and I been poohing constnat and a few days ago I wa son here scared cos I couldn't pooh!Now it's cancer of the ankle and bones and skin cancer I'm worrying about. Can't win with HA.

As someone said,if you hadn't been referred,you would have then sat and worried they had missed something.

It's hard I know.And you're young too,year younger than me. *hugs* I will say a little prayer for you sweety.

Take care now

Amy xxxxxx

08-04-09, 10:58
Hi all, thanks for the responses am still very upset but not like yesterday. I just want it to be ovr because my stupid head has gone in to over time thinking horrible things :(

08-04-09, 12:05
thanks for all the responses. She said that no glands are enlarged & it is smooth and 1cm by 5 mm she is just quite upfront and non caring so even though i explained i have anxiety she said well you will know soon. I know i have age on my side but im just really scared :( if i push the lump it moves ever so slightly nd i kept saying to her 'well its a good thing it moves right' & sh just wouldnt reasurre me :(
Tash please try not to worry too much because I'm almost sure what you have is a cyst cos it sounds just the same as mine.:hugs: I saw a man doctor first when I first found my lump and he was lovely and the first thing he said was if the lump is smooth and moveable that it is a very good sign.:hugs: He said a cyst or fibrodoma as I have had a fibrodoma before when I was 30. The second doctor I saw the week after (I was already seeing her about something else) said she thought it was a cyst and she was right.

I have thickening of my breasts depending what time of the month. Don't be alarmed if you appointment comes through quick cos mine did too.:hugs:

08-04-09, 12:37
Tash , i'm sure everything will be fine , at least when you see the specialist it will put your mind at rest and hopefully he/she will be a lot nicer than the last doctor, the good thing is..... things will move faster now and hopefully you will be able to get this lump removed or antibiotics to clear it up once and for all , the worrying is awful with the Health Anxiety as i've got fears at the moment with my breast but one good thing is age is definately on your side and any breast lump turning cancerous at your age is very , very , very rare. And don't get alarmed if your appointment does come quick like Jan says they just move so quick these days which is a good thing. I'll be thinking of you and take care xx

08-04-09, 12:59
thanks guys, it doesnt move around its very much fixed but if i push one end the other side raises up if you get me . just want it to be over now x

08-04-09, 13:33
Hey Tash

Its a worry isn't it hun, and when you have HA all rational thinking goes out the window. You have age on your side, and I am really glad you doctor is being proactive and referring you. A friend of mine had a lump for ages, and beause she is young it was a nightmare getting the GP to refer her to check it was all OK (it was a cyst)

I have been referred to a plastic surgeon for a dodgy mole and I am besides myself. My appointment is today.They do move quickly, to be on the safe side so don't be alarmed be reassured. I am a Mum and I have been thinking the same as you.

Big hugs hunny

08-04-09, 19:51
Thanks guys, will let you know :(x

08-04-09, 20:45
I had a breast lump a year ago. When I went to the doctor about it, they also referred me immediately. It was a fibroadenoma (breast mouse). It was a bit of a big one so they operated and took it out. Over and done with. :)

You'll be absolutely fine, 100%. :)

08-04-09, 21:16
all those ladies who have had breast cysts can you describe then to me? mine is def fixed but has some 'give to it' x

08-04-09, 21:19
Yes that sounds like mine was Tash. Have you got an appointment for the breast clinic? They were really nice at our hospital and all the staff were women and the consultant was lovely - she held your hand as she talked to your and made you feel really comfy. You said the lump was smooth didn't you? The first doctor that I saw at our practice said cancer lumps are usually rough and uneven.

08-04-09, 21:21
Smooth. Felt like...a scallop! Or...a bit like a...testicle! Was fixed, but cos it was smooth you could sort of slide it about, even though it was fixed position. It wasn't like, FREE inside the breast or anything.

08-04-09, 21:32
Mine was a bit like a jelly bean under the skin if I remember rightly.:unsure:

08-04-09, 21:42
that sounds like mine jan it is smooth & the doc wrote that on my notes, still waiting for appointment hopefully will know tommoro. Hopefully it is a cyst and this worry will be over. I would have also though that a cancerous lump would have changed slightly in 7 weeks.

Thanks guys feel slightly more positive x