View Full Version : dont know what to think?

11-08-05, 12:46
7 years ago my 4 year old son was suffering with a severe skin disorder that meant he was in and out of hospital alot.
Also i gave birth to my daughter and was breast feeding her.
One day I left my daughter with my mother whilst i took my son to his school, a group of older boys aged about 7 years old gathered round my son laughing at his skin whilst i was standing with him, I didnt know what to do but i knew i wanted to protect my son .I said to the boys (there were about 5 or 6 of them) can you please leave him alone or I will have to tell his daddy.

Now looking back maybe it wasnt the smartest way to deal with the situation but i was tired and felt desperate for my small son who had been through so much already.
Anyway the next day when i took my son to school again, i was standing in the playground when all of a sudden this HUGE woman came up to me from behind shoving me and aggressively screaming at me saying she was going to kill me calling me every name under the sun in front of all the other parents and children.
I was in complete shock and checked to see if my son was witnessing all this but luckly he was just entering the school door.
I remember this other mother at the school trying to drag this woman off me and all i kept saying was please calm down.
It was all totally embarrasing and i remember the headmistress coming out to interviene, at this point i was crying my eyes out and actually nearly wet my self with shock! (I think with just given birth my hormones were all over the place).
It turned out this woman accused me of saying to her son that my husband was going to come up the school to get him! luckly all the other people who were standing with me that morning all witnessed what i had said and were willing to say so.
Id say from that day on ive never been the same person, i remember straight away i couldnt stop crying about silly things and felt an emotional wreck getting very nervous with people and almost too scared to talk too much incase i said something id regret, also i started to feel wobbly when going out of the house. I also started getting the odd panic attack. (now i get them weekly).


11-08-05, 14:08
Oh Mirry,

What a horrible horrible experience for you - I would have been just the same (I can be incredibly fiesty on behalf of others though).

This obviously did have a big effect on you as indeed I'm sure it would have had on many others. I think the thing here is to realise the other woman was the one with the problem and I do hope once she had cooled down and seen how she had overeacted she apologised????

That is an utterly disgusting way to behave, especially in a school playground and I'm so glad your son didn't witness it.

It can be very difficult to let go of this sort of scare (and we all have them). I don't know quite what to suggest other than talking about it to us, so you get it off your chest. I know when situations have been scary through my life if I talk my head off about it it really takes some of the sting out.

A massive big hug to you and one of my most disgusted looks to the other party.

Love Pigx

28-08-05, 06:12
Hi Mirry,
I'm a newbie at this forum and was distressed to hear about your experience. It reminded me of a UK website I found informative and helpful. It's www.bullyonline.co.uk

If your symptoms are persisting it's woth discussing with your GP who can refer you to a psychologist if necessary. Gp's often miss PTSD as it can present as other illness (like sore back, no energy, depression etc.).

I hope this helps.


10-04-06, 11:59
Hay mirry

what an awful thing to happen and i would say that could be part of ptsd
it certinley was a distressing attack really, i mean the woman did attack you(stupid cow) there was no need for that atall.. firstly those boys were nasty little things saying that to your son, jesus if that was my son..my god i dont know what i would of done, you did well to not hit em one yaself love..and i dont think your response was bad in any way atall, just a mother protecting her son, that woman is a nutter ant she mate..gee i may be weak when it comes to men,, but i certinley ant when it comes to people like that,god job i wasnt there .. i would of had to have done something..what kind of a woman is she to attack you in frount of parents . children oviously her children ..what kind of a woman is she for attacking you atall...[No] i dont think so

oooh dear i am getting carried away...
mirry this was a awful thing to happen and of course it certinley wont help the way you feel, its stress you certinley dont need ..

sorry bout that ...happening to you.. thats bloddy annoyed me and i dont even know you ..

ashley xxxx :D:D:D:D