View Full Version : Feeling poorly

11-08-05, 13:05
Hi All

Posted on monday as I was feeling low, ot lots of support and started to feel better. Then had the worst giddy turn of my life, it felt like I was falling forward in slow motion then every thing went weird in my head I just screamed and really thought I had a stroke. Of course anxiety soared and my son come home to stay with me. Dont know how my hubby got me to bed that night felt like I was very drunk, well it was worse tuesday so phoned the doctor ( really major for me a I have a terrible phobia of them) even panicked when he arrived but he tested me for things and said I had Labyrinthitus ( infection of the inner ear) and said I had no sign of stroke thank heavens. So obviously he took my blood pressure which had been worrying me for ages as I take my own and it was high then but I was in comlete panick but told him about it and he has given me water tablets one 2 and a half mgs a day which is such a releif to me but I am still terrified to take it.He said to wait until I had got over the labyrinthitus .Does anyone take these pills for blood pressure and could you reassure me it says to check if you take Ibufrofen and I do every day for pain only 2 Nurofen and not to drink. which I hardly do but like a couple of shandys on a sunny day at the pub .Would you believe when my daughter picked them up I panicked just looking at them.
Still feeling poorly very tired and weak, but can walk on my own now ( couldnt stand up for 2 days) I feel such a burden to my family.
Thanks for listening my friends

Luv Barb xxxxxxxxx

11-08-05, 14:43
Hi Barb,
Sorry you are still feeling poorly, it does take a while to clear up, as for tablets, as you know i have no advice there, but i'm sure some-one will be along soon to advise, all i can say is, try to relax (if only) and that i know you are not a burden to your family, they all adore you and families help each other when and if they can. take carexxxxxxxxxxx

11-08-05, 23:23
Hi Barb,

Sorry you are feeling poorly hun. You are so not a burden to your famiy they are there to help you.

I do hope you will feel better soon.

Take it easy & Take Care

Love PIP'S X X