View Full Version : What does it feel like once the Citalopram start to work

07-04-09, 18:13
Hello Newbie and my first post :welcome: please can any one give me any advice on this tablet am taking i been on it for approx 4 weeks and are having a few side effects but just wonder what its actual like once there start working ? :noangel:

07-04-09, 21:01
Hi, heres a poem I wrote about citalopram, hope it helps you understand the frame of mind I personally felt.:yesyes:

After all the bad feelings
The tears and the pain
the waiting and thinking
Am I going insane?

I reached for the tablets
to give them a try
At the end of my tether
As life passed me by

My symptoms had worsened
As I took on this med
My head full of thoughts
as I lay in my bed

I gave them a try
Its what you should do
And slowly but surely
My wish it came true

Citalopram helped me
To rise in the day
to do all the things
that I once couldnt face

It made me remember
that I have a life
that I dont have to view it
full of worry and strife

And after a while
when its job makes me better
I will come off it slowly
And be stronger than ever

Veronica H
07-04-09, 21:11
:) Hi and :welcome: to NMP. I have been taking Cialopram for almost a year now. I found that they kicked in after about 2 wks but we are all different. I felt my mood lift and was not constantly going over anxious thoughts. I am on a low dose of 10mg a day now which i find keeps me out of depression. I hope this helps.


07-04-09, 21:20
What dose are you on? And it will depend on what you were perscribed them for.You may need to have your dose increased if you dont feel any benefit after 6 weeks.Dont worry youll get there ,it sometimes takes longer for some ,but is perfectly normal. all the best Sue:hugs:

08-04-09, 00:13
Bless Asha, ain't she lovely :D

Citalopram is beginning to work for me. The main thing is a reduction in side effects which is the biggest relief ;)

I am finding that I am starting to feel like my old self (not all the time though) and the paralysing anxiety has faded to an echo of itself. I have found that now the anxiety has gone I often feel blue which is a worry but I'm hoping that will stop soon.

I have spent a lot of time and effort trying to fight back against anxiety so it's not all down to citalopram.

08-04-09, 00:45
Awww Asha - I really like that poem! :):yesyes:

08-04-09, 09:13
Hello guys thank you for your posts am on them due to a bad realationship break up and the dose is 20mg xx

ps i liked the poem. x

08-04-09, 14:57
Thanks guys xxxxx

08-04-09, 20:09
What a brilliant poem and oh so very true, for those of you who are just starting with citalopram I would say stick with it and you will be reading Asha's poem and agreeing with every word. Take care x Jill

08-04-09, 20:24
[quote=t50kym;482203]Hello guys thank you for your posts am on them due to a bad realationship break up and the dose is 20mg xx

Sorry to hear that !!:hugs: They will help you feel better but time is also a great healer,if you dont feel any better in a couple of weeks ,id go and see your Dr , you may need a stronger dose to make you feel a bit brighter.Take care Suex