View Full Version : crying,sobbing,I think it's a nervous breakdwon

07-04-09, 18:23
(I had started wrtiing this part before something happend)

"I went to hospital this morning as my ankle has got worse. Like,in the middle of the night last night my ankle and leg felt like it was on fire,my ankle is swollen and it feels like my shin bone is sore but I haven't fell,twisted it or sprained it or anything.

I told the nurse this at the start before you go through to a cubicle and he said he couldn't feel any bones broke or whatever which I kind of knew but he would xray it.

The other doc I seen just pressed about a bit,stared at me,asked me if I had been drinking at some pointand just lef tme to go home and take paracetomol.

Im worried about my ankle and leg,I have moles I'm freaking about now,worrying about my smear,"

Then I just got got a phone call from my bf saying that my dad had knocked a massive shelf down in B&Q and the police and there were everything and could get a taxi down and I was like "WHAT>>">?? ad he laughed and said "Ah I'm just kidding"

I am shaking hysterifLLY the now and crying.

I'm nin a state, I can't believe this. I feel like im going to be sick, i hun gupa nd have switched my phone off.

My mum,dad and him are in B&q and that wasnt funny!!!

I dunno what to do. I'm tired of all this s**t.

i WANT to live and have a lifeand I ca't get a break. I thhknk im having a breakdown.

I cant get any help anywhere.

im worried,worried worried and i feel people jsut think its a joke or mad eup.

awmy face is killing me. its too late to get a doc now. i dont want back to hospital today.

my mum and that will come back and Illbe in a state and it will star more havoc cos im upst AGAIN.

i have psychologiston thursday but its not helping .

im sorry its another post another thread. even if someone reads atleast i know someone saw how i feel and would mean something. cos real life know one sees.

amyy xxxxxxxxxxxx

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07-04-09, 18:36
they wouldn't mean any harm I'm sure but we fail to see this when our anxieties prevent it. Take care :bighug1:

07-04-09, 23:00
My mum dad and bf came back and I was crying in a state, My bf kept saying he was sorry but I told him that when I feel so bad anyways these things e says don't help at all. I got ieven more worked up thinking something bad happened to my dad.

I'm worried for my dad he gets results about his ultrasound tomorrow for the lump "down there"


Terrified of everthing.

I feel so scared,upset and numb all at once. Just tired myself right out.

My mum is off work tomorrow. Getting an appointment with my gp.

Not that it's going to help I don't think.

I'm just feeling so low.So low.

Had a bath..and just sat looking at myself. the moles I'm worried about..my ankle..my boobs.

Thinking of other stuff. Started crying..then my bf walked in and banged me with the door.. by accidnet so Ill prob end up with anotehr bruise and freak out about that.

I've totally lost myself

07-04-09, 23:41
Hi Wee-Mee, sorry to hear you're having a crap time.

I think that you are simply worked up to the point where you can't think straight. You can't make sense of the world because you are not thinking logically. Totally understandable given the stress you are under, so take a step back and spend a few moments getting your breathing under control, try to regain some focus, spend a minute or two just bringing your feelings back under control.

Right, that's hopefully slowed you down a bit :)

Now, number one: your ankle is not broken or damaged. It's been examined and prodded and there are no medical indications whatsoever that there is a problem with it. The doctor would certainly have been able to tell if there was any kind of physical damage to your ankle, especially when they started prodding it.

The only conclusion is that you have convinced yourself something is wrong. Your body is physically intact but your brain is telling it that it is damaged, so your body has become totally confused.

You have no damage to your ankle but because your brain is expecting to feel pain, your subconscious is manufacturing pain in order to fulfil your need for there to be something wrong. You are lying to yourself. Let it go. There is nothing wrong. You are worrying about nothing.

Number two: The human body can survive being shot, stabbed, burned, exposed to cosmic radiation, constant exposure to high levels of pollution, bacteria, viruses and all the rest of it. Cells and tissue are constantly regenerating themselves after injury. Your body is designed to survive at any cost.

A knock or a bump or a bruise, while painful, is not even remotely going to trouble the human body. You were designed to live. It takes a hell of an injury to put someone's life in danger. If the worst happens your bloodstream is flooded with adrenaline and every system in your body will fight to survive.

Your body is a living thing and moles, freckles etc affect everyone. Moles and freckles are not an indication that there is anything wrong -- people are terrified by daily warnings about cancer, but the reality is you almost certainly have nothing to worry about.

If you've got a mole that is getting bigger or going weird colours, get yourself down to the doctor to have it checked. If you've had a mole for years and it's just the same old mole, forget it. It's as much a part of you as the colour of your eyes and represents the same threat -- i.e. none at all.

I don't think you're having a breakdown so forget about that. You've literally pushed yourself as far as you can go by worrying about everything. You don't need to carry the wreight of the world. If the doctor says you're fine, let it go. You are carrying baggage you don't need.

08-04-09, 08:25
Oh dear

First of all big hugs to you because you so need it at the moment.

The phone call from your boyfriend was immature and thoughtless. Knowing how you feel at the moment he should have realised that this prank could upset you. However, he didn't think and you being so sensitised at the moment went into a trauma.

You say the gp isn't going to help - stop predicting. The gp can help just by talking to you. Also, you are seeing the psychologist, she is trying to help you. You have to try your hardest to be a little more postive and have a little faith in the medical profession. Having said that, I know how hard that can be when you feel as you do at the moment.

You do need medication, and you must have the talking therapy with the psychologist.

I don't understand health anxiety at all so I can't comment.

Tell the gp everything and I'm sure he will help. Your mum will be with you so you have good support.

Take care of yourself. Let us know how you get on. xxxxxxxxx