View Full Version : Throat!

07-04-09, 18:51
My throat feels really inflamed and when i swallow I can feel a lump in it! Ive also got a bit of pain in my ear and at the back of my jaw. Does anyone know what this is? It feels quite inflamed all the way down to the centre of my chest. Ive had this for a few days now.

07-04-09, 18:59
Sounds like a throat infection to me :D

I had one so bad after Xmas that everytime I swallowed I had clench my fists it was that painful, and I felt a lump when I swallowed too!!


07-04-09, 19:00
Or even an ear infection, I have a recurring ear infection and when it gets really bad it can affect my throat too :)

07-04-09, 19:02
throat infection sounds about right :D Instantly you think cancer! God knows why

07-04-09, 19:05
yeah does sound like a throat or sinus infection or even catarrh. If it's sinus it could be the post nasal drip burning your throat and chest. Catarrh can cause the ear, nose and throat to hurt too. Best to to see your doc. If you have any gaviscon that might cool your throat until you can see your doc. If not just keep sipping water don't let it dry out.

07-04-09, 19:36
Tell me about it.

So far in this short year I have had lung cancer, throat cancer, skin cancer but to name a few LOL

07-04-09, 19:50
There is a bad throat type bug going around. I had it for weeks! not great when you suffer with HA I know but it is a bug and it wll get better. I had ear ache with it too
Hope you feel better soon.