View Full Version : Anyone feel crap when on period or about to start period?

07-04-09, 19:03
These citalopram pills work a charm, i'm on 20mg at the moment since dec 2008 ive been taking them, so far no complaints, however, whenever i'm about to start my period or when i'm on my period, i feel like THATS when i get little "blips" and my mood goes down a little....whenever i feel low like this i keep thinking about booking an appt to the doctors to "up my dose", but then as soon as i finish my period, i feel good again!

Just wondering if anyone else felt like this? Is this normal?

07-04-09, 19:55
hi yes i start feeling a lot more panic just before and through my period .

07-04-09, 20:10
Yep...Before my period for about a good week the Anxiety gets worse!!

Being a women eehh??!!


08-04-09, 10:38
i am a couple of days off my period and i feel like crap !!
so yeah i agree with u it sets u right back and u start to panic that it not cos of period .

love sandra

08-04-09, 11:02
Hello :)
I have had terrible PMT for years and I find it is always the 7 days before and about 2 days into it, when I feel terrible. My anxiety gets much worse in the 3 days before. I get moody, tearful, anxious, and depressed. I think its quite a common problem whether people suffer with anxiety or not. As soon as the period has ended I start to pick up and start whinging about other things again :winks:
I personally cant wait to be old and over the menopause!!! :yesyes:

13-05-11, 13:31
The same here! Im not on pills, and wining my battle against anxiety at the mo. :)))), and before my period I always have a bit of a crisis, controlled by lots of CBT and breathing! I now know not to worry too much that as soon as period comes anxiety goes( almost always!)

13-05-11, 15:36
yep, me too. It sets me right back and i too have ended up at the doctors a couple of times thinking i have gone back to square one but then everything settles down again. The joys of being a woman eh?

I have started to take inositol and that seems to be helping at the moment but its early days.

13-05-11, 15:45
yeh i feel more anxious around the time of my period too, hate it.

15-05-11, 19:18
Yes me too. I always had stomach cramps for a couple of days, I am used to that, but since anxiety kicked in, I get anxious whenever I feel ill, so when I am on my period, it's not pleasant.

15-05-11, 22:26
Its normal for me. Starts a week beforehand and settles quickly after I've started.

20-11-11, 16:36
Yes i get all sorts of emotions b4 my periods and during. I also get really bas aches and pains which really makes more anxious...arghhh!!

21-11-11, 17:03
Oh thank goodness..... I feel like crap today!!!!:weep: I started my period 2 days ago. I was just about to call my doctor and make an appointment to tell her that I think I need to increase my dosage (currently on 20mg of Citalopram), until I read this post. I am having an anxiety as I am typing right now. I felt so bad this morning I almost went to the emergency room and I am still fighting the urge to go. So frustrated......

21-11-11, 19:10
that is about my only complaint these days lol. Seems the days before my period my anxiety levels go up! But I use it as a sign aunt flo is about to visit!

24-11-11, 00:02
Am in the same boat although I'm on a dif med,I searched 4 pmt and found this thread. I can't sleep or occupy my mind and come 2m morning when I have to get up I'll b shattered and that makes the anxiety worse. Oh the joys of being female!

24-11-11, 07:35
I always get very moody and weepy too about a week before and i get a really down. Yes the anxiety gets worse and things get worse in my head.