View Full Version : To the point of nowhere....Again

07-04-09, 19:06
Hi all...

Ive not been on in ages as i had thought i had recovered...
I did.

I started a new job in a nursery in october and this turned out to be very very stressfull for me. Also im getting married in July this year. I gave up my job yesterday.
I noticed i was more anxious in the last few weeks and found it hard to find the things i enjoy...enjoyable.
I had stomach pains and ibs symptoms since november last year so after a few trips to the doc she decided to send me for a glucose intolerance test and a scan for gall stones, which im still waiting for! Another doc told me it was ibs.
I have been sick and retching every morning, nerves..i dont know?

Anyhow the doc said i looked stressed and decided to change my medication from cipralex which i had been on for years to citalopram, this made me feel worse i was only on them 8 days, now im back on cipralex.
I feel down, crying, anxious ect. Also not been sleeping.
I want to look forward to my wedding and everyone is getting excited but i cant seem to get myself out of this depression mode. Its driving me mad.

Does anyone else have a story like mine they could share or give me advice on. Thanks x

08-04-09, 12:29
Hi Casstella

Sounds like your relapse into depression has been caused by high levels of stress. This is understandable! I had a crap job myself which I was made redundant from -- I am a much better person for being out of that environment! But it takes time to recover from an experience like that!

You've been free of depression before, you can and will be again.

08-04-09, 13:35
:hugs: Castella
I like you had recovered. I had been really gud for 2 yrs and had a job which i loved but it was stressful working in the enviromen i was in and i became very stressed and anxious which caused me to relapse. I always believe that there is hope for everyone and we all can recover maybe some before others but it does happen. Hun maybe if u took somtime for u spend time relaxing reading listening to music accepting the way u feel and telling yourself that its ok to feel the way you feel, because it is but its temporary its not going to be forever i promise. hugs and lots of gud wishes hun xxxx Name