View Full Version : ectopic heart beats

07-04-09, 21:14
Hi all, I am 43 and a mum of two children and have been having these ectopic episodes for a few years one and off. Recently they have been hanging around for a lot longer. They are very scary, but everyone I talk too, including my GP, says they are harmless. It is very comforting to see other people suffer and I am not alone. I do find that when I excerise they are not there or I am distracted and don't notice them. So Excerise is a good thing. I too have had a 24hr ecg monitor and today I received a call from the cardilogist to say that I need to come of the beta blockers I have been on as my heart rate is being lowered too much!! I now have to come of these tablets and have another 24hr ecg. I will keep you posted, but am hoping that I don't have to take the medication any more as it does make me dizzy. I see that a few of the ladies on this forum have said that they think their monthly cycle has something to do with these heart beats. I too think this is the case but I am also having the extra heart beats outside of my cycle, but that may well be a stress/diet reason. I am going to give cutting out chocolate and anything with caffeine in it to see if that makes a difference. I will keep you posted.

:) Mrs P

Vanilla Sky
07-04-09, 21:24
Hi there, welcome to NMP, you have found the right place and you will find a lot of support and understanding here. I to have had the dreaded ectopics, they are frightening and you are convinced that something sinister is underlying but if you have had checks then they harmless, although it doesnt feel like it ! Yes , distraction is good as is excerise. I agree that the monthly cycle has a lot to do with it and also pre menopause, I think thats why i am having them more frequently . Mine do seemed to have calmed down a bit but i wonder if that is more to do with me not being so anxious now that im not noticing them as much, good luck to you the chocolate and caffiene, Its worth a try Love Paige x

07-04-09, 22:36
Hi and:welcome: im sure youll find lots of useful tips and get plenty of support. Luv sue

Veronica H
08-04-09, 08:39
:welcome: Mrs P. Glad you have found us. You will find comfort and support here.


08-04-09, 12:45
Hi there and :welcome: to the site, loads of good advice and support on here, the chatroom is very good as well, take care xx

09-04-09, 02:46
Hi Mrs. P.,

Welcome to NMP. Many here will understand how you are feeling and will give their support.

Take care,


10-04-09, 00:49
I know how you feel i started to experience these beats when i had post natal dep 15yrs ago, they are horrible, i dont have them much now but when i do i try to ignore them do something else or take time out, if im at home i lay on my bed relax, and take long deep breaths, i can get them bad if i have a hangova,or before a period, ive had ecg,s blood tests etc and all came back ok, i think its a symt of general anx disord, try not to worry and relax.