View Full Version : Work conundrum

11-08-05, 16:00
Hello everyone (or anyone who happens to read this)

I have been signed off work since June 16 and this morning received a letter from my HR department which has put me in a bit of a quandary.

In this message of doom they informed me that I will not receive any more normal wages only statutory sick pay from the end of this month. Even though this is not much of a surprise I had been informed by my boss that I was entitled to 13 weeks full pay followed by 13 weeks three quarters pay (company policy). This is not only wrong but very far off the mark. I rang my HR dept to find out if a mistake had been made but was told the letter was correct.

Anyway, my problem is that I have a number of overheads I need to pay each month and the statutory sick pay is not going to cover them by a long way. Also, I really dislike my job and have a problem getting there due to panic attacks (there are a lot bridges and main roads). I have been wanting to leave there for over a year now but have felt trapped as I have had so much time off due to panics. This new development has felt like I have to make a decision and make it quick. I know there are other areas of Bristol (where i live) where i know i'd be more happy working and probably other jobs i'd find more enjoyable. I feel that i should hand in my notice and take a chance finding some temporary work to tide me over. This whole thing has made me feel quite anxious as I am not very good at making decisions.

If anyone has any advice, words of wisdom or an opinion I would very much appreciate hearing them.

Thanks for your time


11-08-05, 16:06
Hi Theo

Nothing very useful to contribute here, other than don't rush into giving your notice in incase that has implications with getting any future sickness benefit etc.

Sure lots of the guys will have relevant info to give you as soon as they read the post.

See you in chat later.

Love Piglet

12-08-05, 18:19
Hi Theo

I had this problem not so long back, I suffer from social anxiety and panic attacks and although I love people I dont feel comfortable around lots of people, my work changed buildings and my worst fear came reality I was stuck in a 1st floor office with about 100 people I couldnt handle it my panic attacks went into overdrive....anyway I got signed off and the HR dept were not very understanding and quite pushy so I spoke to my line manager and I left....I didnt have to work any notice and my other worry was a reference....by law you can not give a bad reference!!. Anyway I am now temping and its a lot easier as I like not knowing I am stuck in one job, I can work when I want to and if I want time off I do not need a doctors note...downside is Temp staff dont get paid for being 'Sick'!. Hope Ive been of some help, Dont rush a decision you take your time Kirsty X

12-08-05, 18:53
Cheers Piglet and Kirsty,

Thanks for replying to my message and the advice. I have been in a bit of state over this and felt paralyzed as what to do. I have decided that I will hand my notice in and hopefully, as happened to you Kirsty, I wont have to go back. My line manager is away on hols until Wednesday so I will contact him then. I think it will be a big relief and I am actually looking forward to a new challenge.

Thank you once again
