View Full Version : Medication

07-04-09, 23:07

My Physical symptoms have started to feel loads better this last week since increasing my medication (Citalopram). I am aiming to go back to work on Tuesday. I have had 2 CBT sessions which have been quite good but Im finding them quite hard, hopefully I will understand them better soon. I havent really been feeling the physical symtoms of Anxiety anymore, but I do still worry alot about it and the thoughts dont seem to stop. Because i am off work at the moment all I do all day is sit round my mums house and read anxiety books then I look on the internet most of the evening trying to find out what type of Anxiety Ive got. Ive only realised how much of this I do since my Husband said about it. Does anyone know if this is the Anxiety surely it cant be healthy but I cant stop and it makes me feel better when Im reading about it because I feel like Ive got control. I dont stop thinking about it 24/7!!!!!! Im so sick of it. :mad:

08-04-09, 12:46
Hi Strawberry, this sounds very familiar to me, I have a slightly obsessive personality which is usually focused on cars but these days my attention is all on my symptoms and anxiety! I must have made my problem several times worse just by repeatedly thinking and reading about it.

Best thing to do is to stop reading about it and thinking about it. Very difficult at first but practice makes perfect. Ask you CBT counsellor about an action plan to wean yourself away from obsessing about anxiety.

On the up side, congratulations for taking active mesaures to bring your problems under control and hurray for citalopram helping yet another anxiety sufferer! CBT is hard, it wouldn't be much good otherwise ;)