View Full Version : all muddled up!!!

11-08-05, 17:12
im afraid im going to waffle on again...but need to tell someone how im feeling...
i have just spent the afternoon with my ex partner talking...
as some of you will know i have been struggling with the break up for months now...
well we have decided to see how things go and take things slowly but hopefully start working at being together...
the problem is i have been doing so well and now all the "if`s" and "but`s" are coming back...
he has his sister coming tomorrow for a month from autrailia so there is no way things will get a good start although he does want us all to spend time together...then he moves to his new flat which will be 5 miles away as that was planned ages ago...
he has gone off to work now and mr "a" and mr "p" are poking their nose in... what if he changes his mind... what if he didnt mean it... what if nothing changes ... what if he isnt ok at the moment...
i do not want to go back to where i started... i want this to work and i know we can make it work...
the things is my mate doesnt like him but i am not afraid of what people think anymore i want to be happy and i know this is the right thing to do... i would never normally do this once its over thats it but something is telling me its right...
but i dont know how to get rid of all these thoughts... ive been doing so well lately and should feel really happy now but i just feel muddled!
i could waffle on for hours about things that have happened and why i think we can work this out but i will spare you the details... i just want to enjoy it for now and take each day as it comes...
thanks for listening to me...

11-08-05, 23:08
Hi Rach,

I'm no agony uncle, but when Mr A and Mr P have been around, it tells me to take it very slowly and don't let your emotions get carried away with you.

Are you able to at first accept him as just a good mate to have around?

I'm sure you'll get some sounder advice from others ....

Take Care,


Don't wait around for other people to be happy for you. Any happiness you get you've got to make yourself.--Alice Walker

11-08-05, 23:33
Hi Rach,

I think the best thing do do is to take it slowly at first and see how it progresses. You know in your heart if it feels right for you.

It's only natural to have the what ifs mate they would occur even if you didn't suffer from anxiety but as we do it heightens the What Ifs that's all.

I do hope it works out for you hun.

Do you still want to meet up Rach? Let me know and we can sort something out.

Take care,

Love PIP'S X X

12-08-05, 18:15
Hi Rach,

I know we have had this conversation before about your ex, but maybe this time you have to give him one last chance and see how it goes then you will never look back and say what if, and if it doesnt work out, you will know its time to let go, and i know at this point your not ready to do that, so you have to give it your best go, trust him and if he lets you down again, well you know what to do,

I know how hard it is but try to ignore the what ifs or your going to finish it before it starts, just keep telling your self what will be will be no matter how much you worry about it.

you know where i am, text me if you wanna chat hen xxx

kairen x