View Full Version : Day 5 Citalopram - a good experience for me!

08-04-09, 08:58
Hi all,

When I started on C, I searched the net for info - the potential side-effects frightened me.

I came across this site in my searching.

I've suffered from anxiety all of my life, but never acknowledged it. It became the norm, and wine helped it. :blush: I had cold sweats, heart palpitations, fear of leaving the house.

At 46, the happiest in my personal life I've ever been, I crashed. Nothing spectacular, but I just got sick of not being happy and I lost all energy.

Doc put me on 10mg of C, with a plan to increase it to 20.

Day 5, I feel great. I've had the sleepiness, the lock-jaw feeling, the stammering, the increased appetite, but I feel so positive and am sleeping really well (I take Kalms at night for fear of the C keeping me awake, but will try to do without K tonight...) It helps that I'm now on half-term break.

Just wanted to post to say thanks - the posts I read on this site really helped me. And I wanted to share my good experience of C with you all.

Clearly, it's not the right choice for everyone, but for me it seems to be.

08-04-09, 09:41
heya, im on 20mg of c as well. my 5th day on citalopram was good as well. i took the first tablet and then came searching for side effects and came by this site which is helping me. hope everything goes alright for you.

08-04-09, 11:43
Hi Kelly! :)
I hope the citalopram works for you and I am glad you are feeling better.
I have been taking it for a few weeks now and after a great start, and then some down days, I am now feeling great again! I can really feel it working.
Just to add...I have found myself stammering a little bit. Have you had this too??? :unsure:

Hereford Al
08-04-09, 14:33
Hi Kelly.
Took a bit longer than 5 days for the side effects to settle down for me, but I'm 2 weeks in and today has been by far the best day so far.
I hope it carries on like this, and I hope it carries on working good for you too.
Al :-)

08-04-09, 16:33
Hi Kelly! :)
I have found myself stammering a little bit. Have you had this too??? :unsure:

Absolutely! It's weird!


20-01-11, 20:30
day 5 for me too not really had any side effects yet maybe a bit of tiredness

21-01-11, 10:30
Hi there, glad you are feeling good. I am 3 months in, ups and downs along the way, but on 25mg now and feel really good, anxiety and depression are under control and I feel positive and in control so I can make positive changes in my life. That is what Cit is doing for me, giving me some help so I can do the rest. :)