View Full Version : A story that will make you smile :)

08-04-09, 09:45
I reckon anyone with HA will know where I'm coming from on this, and hopefully it will make you smile too :)

Couple of days ago I was eating my dinner, feeling pretty OK, nice bit of chicken with some mashed potato, yum yum, and I'm daydreaming away....come back to myself and realise I can't see my fork. The first thought that flashed through my mind, just for that split second, was 'oh my God I've swallowed it!'. Yes ladies and gentlemen, my HA made me think I'd swallowed a fork and not noticed! A FORK! :doh: Of course it was under my plate.

So the next time you're stressing that that funny twinge is cancer or a heart attack, just remember....it was under the plate all along.

08-04-09, 10:05
That did make me smile:)

I am having an horrendous time at the minute so any light relief is welcome!!

Our minds are sometimes crazy!

Love lotte

08-04-09, 10:08
Oh that made me howl,

I know exactly where you're coming from there, there was a time when i'd have thought exactly the same.

di xx

claire m
08-04-09, 10:21
:roflmao:. that brought a smile to my face. xx

08-04-09, 11:04
:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
How wonderful:D
Not many people would admit to such a thought:blush:
Although they have probably had thoughts like that:blush:
I DO know the feeling / sensation:ohmy:
And OH! how daft you feel after:yesyes: :yesyes:
Lots of best wishes
:yesyes: :hugs: :yesyes:

08-04-09, 11:08

08-04-09, 11:10
Not many people would admit to such a thought:blush:

I reckon it does you good to laugh at yourself occasionally :blush:

08-04-09, 11:45
I reckon it does you good to laugh at yourself occasionally :blush:
I quite agree - to know someone else has the same thoughts makes you feel good. It takes a lot of the pressure off HA sufferers.
That did make me smile:smile:

I am having an horrendous time at the minute so any light relief is welcome!!

Our minds are sometimes crazy!

Love lotte
I think that this post proves the point so I "thank you" for posting it was great to read:yesyes:
Best wishes

08-04-09, 13:33
Oh my word!

Imagine trying to pass it....

Pegs X

08-04-09, 17:30
I can remember a time when I went to the bathroom and noticed that my urine was tinted red. I immediately starting freaking out, racing heart, sweaty, nearly passed out. This lasted about a minute as I knew I was terminally ill. Then I realized that I had just come in from outside and I was still wearing my red tinted sunglasses and that everything looked red. Sad but true.:shades:

08-04-09, 18:41
Have lurked for a while but first post. Having a rotten evening - potential heart attack, but that really mad me laugh, thanks soooo much.
Reminded me of the time I was in the car going to work and thought I was having a stroke, one side of my tongue had gone tingly and numb, then I realised that earlier I had sat my toothbrush with paste on it in that bit of my mouth for ages while I brushed the kids' teeth, was fine after it wore off. Thanks for the support - Rosie

08-04-09, 21:21
I can remember a time when I went to the bathroom and noticed that my urine was tinted red. I immediately starting freaking out, racing heart, sweaty, nearly passed out. This lasted about a minute as I knew I was terminally ill. Then I realized that I had just come in from outside and I was still wearing my red tinted sunglasses and that everything looked red. Sad but true.:shades:

I'm sure you can imagine what happened to me the last time I ate beetroot... :blush: