View Full Version : Going all the way

08-04-09, 12:44
How far would you Guys be prepared to drive to work to secure employment, if currently unemployed?

there and back every day:


please answer, this is gonna help me.:)

08-04-09, 12:55
For me 2o miles is ok,i work with a guy who 8o miles a day he has been doing it for years so guess its just part of his day. At the moment travel 5 miles, but have to drive as part of my job , which is why im lookinf for something else. If you get a good job i think 2o miles a day is fine maybe imo even 4o but that would be enough for me

08-04-09, 13:14
I'd say there are a few other factors besides distance. Is it a job you'd really enjoy? What are the hours? If driving a long distance, how much will the cost eat into your pay packet now and in the future? (Petrol prices are creeping up again:mad: ).

Provided it made financial sense, I'd do up to 80 if it was a job I really enjoyed. As it is, my job bores me rigid and depresses me more than a little, so even the 12 mile journey there seems a lot most days. Certainly couldn't cope with 80, 60 or even 40 miles home in the evening after a day of this:wacko:

08-04-09, 14:17
I think for me it would be 20 miles, otherwise with the price of petrol going up and down like a yoyo it wouldn't be worth it. Not in my opinion anyway.

08-04-09, 14:24
40 miles including there and back everyday - no further due to petrol costs but maybe if it were a job that I absolutely loved I would travel further providing it paid well enough too.
I cant drive though :blush:

08-04-09, 14:36
I wouldn't even go a mile! plus I can't drive! the title made me laugh

08-04-09, 15:13
Hi Dave

Well i suppose it depends alot on the circumstances, if you travelled futhur would you get petrol allowance? Are the wages high etc and how desperate do you need the money.
I dont drive anymore so i wouldnt travel far probably about 5 mile. But my husband loves driving and spends many a day travelling from one end of the country to the other.

I would love to win the lottery then i wouldnt have to travel at all !:)


08-04-09, 15:16
Mishel - I am glad you found the title funny too! lol :blush:

08-04-09, 15:39
re. title

"titter ye not" you naughty girls ! lol:winks:

08-04-09, 15:43
lol...I'm not naughty...I am an angel :noangel:

08-04-09, 15:45
Hi Mudskipper, if you were confronted with the 80mile round trip or redundancy what then?

09-04-09, 13:25
Well, if the finances still stacked up, I guess I'd take the round trip, certainly in the current economic climate. I'd certainly be looking for something closer to home though. You would at least have the advantage of looking for something else whilst in work, employers are generally happier to take people who are already working, rather than unemployed.

10-04-09, 08:46
Eye-catching title!! J
If I was currently unemployed, then I would definitely consider driving up to 40 miles – perhaps even 60 if the overall pay (reimbursement for driving or at least work hours etc) was adequate.
Twenty miles wouldn’t be an issue for me, nor would 40 if I enjoyed the job.
Hope that helps!

14-04-09, 16:50
I currently drive 24 miles a day there and back i think this is just about right for me as where i live i have to travel know matter what, i used to travel 60 miles there and back to work with used to cost me a fair bit back then when petrol was cheack i dont think it would be worth doing it now, not with the cost of petrol and running a car

14-04-09, 18:41
Hi Dave
We do 50 miles a day round trip to work, weve got no choice as theres very few jobs available where we live.
Hope you find something soon mate.

14-04-09, 18:51
I live in one of the worst hit areas in the country (just my luck!) and was made redundant last November. There are very few decent jobs going. It's a constant source of anxiety and stress for me. Even cleaning jobs are now demanding experience. Demanding experience for a low-status, mundane job paying just £5.32 an hour!! It's a disgrace!

I would recommend the round trip to be honest. If you're in work you need to stay in it at all costs. If you give it up you will struggle to get another one. Employers are cherry-picking candidates as there are so many to choose from. My mate has applied for 50 jobs, got 2 interviews and never heard back -- and he's a skilled machinist who worked for the same firm for 12 years!