View Full Version : ...and I thought I was fit!

08-04-09, 12:56
I decided to start getting myself fit at the start of this year. My weights fine but I'm so unfit due my agoraphobia. However due to what seemed like a never ending cold/sinus/flu virus thingie Iv'e only just started to try and get fit.
Wow, how unfit am I!
I got breathless so quickly. I didn't know how unfit I was until I tried to do some basic exercises. I'm assuming it's because I've been so inactive for so long. I do have pernicous pernicious anaemia which tends to make you a bit breathless,and my B12 jab is due in the morning but I thought I was just going to breeze through the exercises. No chance.
Any ideas how to increase my fitness at home without going too mad?.
Whenever I look up exercise on the net it's usually for people who are not really as unfit as I am.
Any ideas?

take care

08-04-09, 13:09
Hi Mick,

I use alot of dvds, and when i have not done any exercise for a while, i just do what i can, don't just throw yourself into exercise just start off gentle, i know alot of blokes that have taken up yoga, its a brill way to get fit without getting so breathless,

di xx

08-04-09, 13:22
Hiya Diane,
That's not a bad idea yoga.
I did Tai Chi for years but just drifted out of it when the anxiety flared up.
I might just try some yoga. I'll have a look for some DVDs and see what's what.
I guess I thought I could just steam back in and get instantly fit again :D
I can be a muppet at times. I need to employ someone to stand next to me and slap me hard around the head at times when I do stupid things:D

take care


08-04-09, 13:27

my stepdad has taken this up too, i lent him one called yogalates, its yoga and pilates together, its brill, you'll get loads of cheap ones on amazon or ebay, yoga and pilates concentrates alot on your breathing too so its great for anx.

di xx

08-04-09, 13:31
Hi Mick
I suffer with agoraphobia too. I have found that exercising lots has really helped my anxiety. :yesyes:
I bought a cycling machine thingy lol - exercise bike! which I love using - I put music on, put it by the side of the window and cycle along, looking out of the window pretending I am outside lol. I also use my stairs lots to run up and down many times a day as a form of exercise and use the stairs like a step machine. I do a lot of stretching/yoga type positions to help unwind and relax.
Do you have a garden? If so can you get out in it at all? I try and get out there as much as I can - just walking about and gardening - I am getting into gardening in my old age!!! I am ok in my garden, its quite long and backs onto open fields but I dare not go further than halfway down but even so at least I am getting fresh air.
I use my conservatory as a mini gym sometimes and put on a dance exercise dvd which I love.
I would say my biggest help is the exercise bike and also the yoga for relaxation. I think yoga is great for people who suffer with anxiety.
Let us know how you get on.

08-04-09, 13:32
Thanks again Diane,
I'm looking on amazon at the moment :D
I do need something to help my breathing. The anxiety doesn't help with it either.
Hopefully I'll get my B12 jab in the morning and that usually gives me a boost. I'll send off for a few DVDs of the type you suggested, and I'll leave running the marathon for another year :D


08-04-09, 13:33
i got a wii fit its really good for excercising

08-04-09, 13:39
Thanks Poppyc,
I have thought about getting a treadmill but I thought that might give me an excuse not to try and get out more.
I don't have any bench stuff, i've not really been into that type of exercise, I just used to keep fit with Tai Chi and walking miles. Now i've had to adapt a bit because of my agoraphobia. It screwed my work and lifestyle up. I guess you know that if you have it yourself.

Hiya amandaj,
I don't have a Wii, but I've heard they have some good keep fit stuff on them. All i have is xbox 360 hidden somewhere in the loft :D

take care


08-04-09, 13:49
yeah amanda wii fit is good,

i work in a building full of old people and we got donated a wii, so i trained them all how to bowl and how to golf, every month we have competitions, these dears are in there 70's 80's and 90's and to watch them having a laugh and getting this excercise is absolutely fantastic, i also know a man who took up yoga when he was fifty, he is now 94 and i have never seen such a fitter man in all my life, he still runs up the stairs lol

di xx

08-04-09, 13:59
I've just ordered 'yogalates -complete DVD' from amazon.
Looks a good all round yoga package.
thanks for all your answers
take care

08-04-09, 14:02
What is Wii fit??? It sounds interesting.
Mick - No the exercise bike doesnt take away my urge to get out there back outdoors, it just basically keeps my fitness up and tones my legs. I noticed that my legs were getting out of tone cos I wasnt walking so much and I love walking - I was a really outdoorsy person. I think any exercise be it running up and down the stairs several times a day or doing yoga just makes us feel better for it in the long run.

08-04-09, 14:05
Hiya poppyc,
I was just chatting with my brother on the phone and he has an exercise bike going spare. He's going to fetch it up at the weekend, so that's something else I can try :D


08-04-09, 14:08
Thats brilliant Mick! :yesyes:
Give it a go - just start off slowly - several times a day and build up from there. I put some music on and ride along and it really lifts how I feel. Any form of exercise releases the feel good endorphins and being agoraphobic we need plenty of them I think!
Let us know how you get on.

10-04-09, 15:14
I know where you are coming from on the being unfit front. Ive got the new Davina exercise video which is brill, but I can only do the first 10 mins of any of the workouts, and 5 mins of that is warm up!! LOL So Ive now given up as it just makes me depressed!
Can you please let me know how you get on with the Yogalates video as I am tempted to try that as I have enjoyed yoga, the few times Ive tried it anyway! I have a bit of a phobia of exercise!
By the way, shame on you for having an xbox 360 hiding in your loft, such a waste of electronic entertainment!!! LOL

10-04-09, 16:27
Hi Mick,

I would also recommend getting an exercise bike or similar.
I've been using one for similar reasons as yourself, I wasn't really overweight but very unfit. I've been on the bike almost every day for a month now, and not only has it made me feel fitter and healthier, but I also feel a lot better about myself generally, which means that I go out walking, socializing, etc. a lot more than I used to. Good luck!

10-04-09, 17:14
Hiya summer,
I'm getting the bike on saturday and I'm quite looking forward to it, I'm sure getting fit is a big step to getting over anxiety etc. I've let my fitness go in the last few years and I didn't realize how unfit I was until i tried it again :D

Hiya always-ill,
I get out of breath just watching those exercise dvds :D
My xbox 360 is gathering dust along with some games in the loft. I used to play it online when i couldn't sleep at nights, I don't think it helped my insomnia battling with zombies at three in the morning :D

take care all