View Full Version : help!!

08-04-09, 13:47
Please someone tell me this isnt happening.

I can see signs of hiv in my partner, my brother , his wife, my best friend and her partner and both my parents. Please please someone tell me that it is nt possible ofr me to give that to them ( obvious;y apart from my partner)

I just cant beleive all this is happening!!

I have had four negative antibody tests ages after any possible exposure.

I just cant explain all these symptoms its so scarey. Does any one think I should go back and ask for a different type of test?


08-04-09, 14:16
Hey Hun
I went through a terrible obsession that I had HIV, that my son had it. Needless to say I am not HIV positive.
What signs are you seeing? There are not really any signs of HIV, people can go on for quite some time without anything happening.

You have had four negatives, you have to take that as gosple. There are not different tests you can have.

I know its hard, jeez I have had loads of tests, even paid privately, had two tests in two different places on the same day such was my paranoia.

You need to try and work through this hun, remember you have had four negatives


08-04-09, 15:02
I hate thinking this. Thanks for your reply.

I am freaking out because all of those people seem to have signs of too much cortisol, I know that sounds crazy but i have read thats a symptom. I have got weird hair growth om top lip and other places - not nice !. And I just cant beleive that my best friend - whom I have never shared any partners or anything ever and never ever been incontact with each others blood or anything has just started to have the same problem. Then I noticed that my mum has to and she says that this started about five years ago. The biggest worry I have - this is goingto sound so weird but my partners sweat smells really sweet, like our babies formula? Its so horrible its scaring me that that is another symptom and my (sorry) wee smells like that too. sooooo worried that my tests are wrong and somehow I have given it to all my family and my friends.

Do you think that the NHS use tests for all the strains that there are?


08-04-09, 15:56
Lisa- please read your PMs

09-04-09, 04:15

I also freaked out back in January that I could have HIV. I took the test. I was negative. The problem is, HIV has so many symptoms, and many of them are also symptoms of the common cold.... or anything. I would assume all results are correct. HIV is very rare to be honest. If you find it reassuring, hair on your upper lip is normal... even if you are female. Which is why many women (including myself) wax their upper lip in winter when their skin is naturally paler. Its a nightmare if you have dark hair... but normal all the same. As for the sweat... the smell of fresh sweat (not stale - BO) is entirely dependant of the person in particular. You would be surprised at how much the smell can vary simply depending on what you have been eating. Please do not worry. You and your family are not HIV positive. Trust your results and start addressing ways of dealing with your anxiety. Its hard I know, I have trouble myself, but believe me, you are worrying unduly on this one xxx