View Full Version : vein in my foot is painful

08-04-09, 14:40
I am scaring myself stupid:weep: :weep:
Yesterday i was out shopping and was fine.
I came home and removed my shoes and the pain in the vein that goes across my foot hurt so much BUT it was only when touched:ohmy:
I tried to leave it alone but the fear grew - what was the cause????
Today it is still painful - the vein is slightly raised. and because of my fear it feels as if my foot and leg are going numb:ohmy: :ohmy: I am Half convinced that it is all in my mind BUT the other half of my mind is terrified.
Any ideas?????? i wear laced shoes:blush:

08-04-09, 17:08
i got veins that stick out in my foot u probably noticed it and havent took much notice. but now ur examing it, it will make it worse. most prob from ur shoes and walking. dont take to much notice soak your feet see if that helps

08-04-09, 18:48
Possibly the raised vein and the pain when you touch are two different things. Raised veins are common and harmless. Pressure could cause a sore, tender to touch patch that just happened to be over the vein. Just a thought as I have had something similar and worked out that that was the case. X

09-04-09, 10:20
:hugs: :hugs: thank you for your replies - you are quite right i am stressing.
Every little ache or blemish seems to be magnified and terrifies me - I was OK for a while and i now seem to have slipped back in to being afraid of everything again.:weep:
Even the screen is toooo bright at the moment - fine yesterday:blush: