View Full Version : Sciatica and groin discomfort.

08-04-09, 14:57
Hi everyone...

Posted on here a couple of weeks ago with my symptoms of lower backache, tight pull in buttock down leg to the knee and a tight ache in my groin. Have been to drs twice and they first thought it was a trapped nerve but after having it for 3 months now they have come to conclusion it's sciatica and have refered me to a physio...still awaiting appointment!

I had 3 lovely replies that helped put my mind at rest for a while...but with HA our mind is our worst enemy and mine has been doing overtime again and am convinced iv'e got something horrible!!! In my replies nobody mentioned if Groin discomfort was a symptom with sciatica and if anyone had experienced this...would love to hear from anyone who has come across this and could put my mind at ease...have mentioned Groin to 2 Drs and they didn't seem alarmed by it.

Thanks for reading,

hope to hear from anyone soon.


Mandy :unsure:

08-04-09, 15:18
This sounds like sciatica to me. The groin could very well be because you are slightly using your leg differently to compensate for the sciatica. You may be walking or sitting differently. This subtle change is putting new stress on your groin and causing pain. Unless you have a hugely swollen node, I would not worry. (actually I would, but a normal person wouldn't) :winks:

Good luck

08-04-09, 15:19
As someone who was forced to give up nursing because of back problems (I had an op) I suffer terribly with mine. I get chronic back ache especially at night, sciatica, a pain in my left groin, terrible burning pain in left thigh which has been 'numb' since the eighties (Meralgia Paresthetica) .

When I stand up I have a job to walk and feel like I have a beach ball between my legs. I have now been diagnosed as having spondilitis.

Does this help?

08-04-09, 15:35
Trixie, you sound quite similar to me, i have bad back probs but caused through my discs and arthritis (and had to give up work) , but this causes sciatic symptoms, i have leg pain which can radiate right down to my ankle , groin pain plus numbness in left leg going on 9 mths now, cant walk on my tip toes so no more high heels for me as the nerves are affected and they just wont allow me. My mobility is severely affected and the pain some days is downright awful, cant walk or stand for that long.
Anyway I thought I had something really serious like a tumour but after an mri scan it was shown to be all coming off my back. So Mandy don't under estimate the pain that sciatica can cause and by the sounds of it thats what you have , hopefully if your discs aren't too bad or you have no arthritic conditions the physio should be able to help you lots, they like to concentrate on strengthening your core muscles, hope that helps you a bit but please don't worry xx