View Full Version : help my meds are making me sick!!!!!!

08-04-09, 18:17
i had a really nasty panic attack yesterday lasted the whole day the doctor had to sedate me, i am on dothepin and zopiclone which i take at night, im not eating doctor told me to take the dothepin at team time and i did, felt off my face and sick, and my head is pounding, I have been on these for years and was holding it together so why has it come back???? i feel like im being crushed and that my hubby wont stay around if i am this ill its not fair, im sure he will but it makes me think that.... i took two valium yesterday and now i feel sick all the time the doctors keep filling me up with drugs? but is that really the answer?

08-04-09, 18:35
Hi Vicky I am on dothiepin too. Did the doctor increase your dothiepin last night or give you something else that might cause the sickness? An increase in tablets or a new medication can cause sickness. Extreme panic can also cause us to be sick sometimes? You say that you have been on dothiepin for many years maybe now is the time to change your meds if they are not working any more? Do you see a psychiatrist? If you do it might be an idea to discuss changing your meds. Please dont just stop them as this could cause you to become ill. There are alternatives to drugs but maybe CBT could work alongside your drug treatment? You had a really bad panic attack today but that doesn't necessarily mean that you will have another attack or that you are sliding back into depression. Your husband will also recognise that this is a blip in your overall recovery. If you are having some sort of crisis there are people out there who can help you.

08-04-09, 18:40
thank you, i have been on them for ages, i just dont know what to do, the thing is i normally take them at night with zopiclone as i could not sleep, however doctor yesterday said to take them at tea time, i took them about an hour ago and now feel off my face im shaking cant eat and feel sick, i sliding deeper into this, i dont want to be like this anymore its silly.. i was doing ok till about a week ago, have not had a panic attack for years and now its gone mad.... have previously had hypnotherapy and CBT and been under a psychiatrist but i need to work as we cant pay bills otherwise, what am i meant to do, or what shall i do?

08-04-09, 22:41
Maybe not eating has something to do with it as well? I went through a stage of not eating or eating very little for about 5 days as i felt so sick with worry but it really does make you feel worse. It's a vicious circle: you panic= you feel sick= you don't eat= increase in feeling faint, heart pounds at slightest thing coz you aint eating and therefore have no energy= you panic more coz you think these symptoms mean something when they don't. Honestly, try and force food down, even if you're only snacking, it really will make you feel better (my friend came to visit me for a bit when i was going through that phase and i hadn't ate anything when she got there and while she was there i snacked on yogurt, crisps, nuts, fruit etc and about 4 hours later when she left, she said i looked a lot better). Start to force it down and eventually you'll want to eat again and it'll make you feel better. Obviously it doesn't solve all the original problems (maybe want to think about seeing a therapist or going for CBT) but it doesn't help not to eat
Take care!

09-04-09, 08:44
Hi Vicky

I understand where you are coming from I have to work to pay bills and my partner is looking at losing job and just had a blip so its come at a bad time!

could you go back to doctors and explain your symptons? would it be possible to have some time off? it may give you a chance to let the meds work without having to face work?

Hope you feel better soon and the vicious circle gets broken. try and eat something at least x


09-04-09, 13:07
its awful I am sat at work at the minute stressing myself out and I dont have a choice if I stay home its beaten me, and if I come in I panice, so have to learn to control it and dont want to keep taking valium it does my head in, problem is once my chest goes tight and my heart is out of control I am at the point of no return and dont have a choice but if I do this at work i feel off my face..... do you think I should go back to the doctor and ask them to look at my meds, I have been on dothepin for years maybe they just not taking effect again, who knows.