View Full Version : Disappointed but not dwelling

08-04-09, 19:27
I think I replied to someones post the other day that I was 95% there? Talk about tempting fate.

I had to go to a meeting today, not been to a "corporate" type meeting in a long while, we ended up in this meeting, 6 guys, in a small room far too small for a meeting.

3 damn hours and after 15 mins in, I spent the next 2hours talking myself down from panic, keeping up with the meeting and fighting the utter UTTER disappointment of having a PA when it's been an absolute age since I have had anxiety like it (2 years plus probably).

The drive home I calmed down, only to get a call tonight about a work issue with asbestos (my engineer checked the log, log ok, no asbestos, took down a cieling tile, apparantly there is asbestos, now a big issue, room sealed off, authority's informed etc etc).

Now normally this is not an issue, we have done everything by the book and not responsible for inaccurate surveys. But can I calm down? hell can I, my BP has been through the roof all evening at 170/100 and I just cannot seem to chill.

I don't even know why I am posting, just a rant.

Hopefully I can take a positive from this, if I get back to where I was quickly.

I just worry that the stress will do me in although it's only been 10 hours into it.

On reflection, at least there is something causing it, I hate enclosed places and feeling trapped so at least there was a trigger and not just out of the blue.

Right rant over

08-04-09, 19:30
Isn't your blood pressure too high maybe it is this that is driving the anxiety and not the other way around maybe you need to go to the doctor and get it checked out

08-04-09, 19:44
:) you will never be free of them while you still fear them - you didnt need to talk yourself down - you need to let it wash over you , let it happen, accept it will always be there - get up close to the feelings and dont try to run away from them - focus on how they are affecting you physically - anxiety has a direct influence on our body - so feel it 100% in your body - stop judging it - and it will go on its own - does this sound like armchair physciatry to you? sorry in advance (not):winks:

08-04-09, 19:44
Think of it as a blip jaco and blood pressure reflects that
i can handle stressfull situations but sometimes something daft sends me over edge
tomoz is a different day and you have coping stratagies and can accept its a one off

08-04-09, 20:23
Hi Jaco,

This is just a blip, the recognition over the enclosed spaces means that you know what you have to work on.

The blood pressure is a reflection of the anxiety and although high it is not a usual reading for you; mine was 183/125 the other week but hey ho it is back down again now and I recently had checks done so it hasn't done me any lasting damage.

You are not responsible for inaccurate surveys and you are dealing with the discovery in a responsible manner, you will get back to your usual self hun.

Look forward to seeing your usual joking self soon


08-04-09, 20:39
Ty Lynnann, Finny, I am just about chilling down now, Chardonnay induced that is ;)

Hi Faith, it's down now, 144/80 not I am obsessed taking it ;) but I do have "peaky BP" when stressed but Dr said he is not concerned unless it is high all the time for a long time.

Lol emmas I bet you thought it was Christmas. Who ran lass? I took it on the chin and still got the job done ;)

I have enough experience to ride out a bad day or two, but jeeeze, don't it spoil your day.


Vanilla Sky
08-04-09, 20:43
Hi Jaco, I agree , Look on it for what it was , a blip. I think all of us recovering from panic, anxiety etc should accept that we will have some times when it will rear its ugly head . The small room would certainly have been a trigger, I know this myself when we have meetings at work in one of the side rooms which is small, most of the staff feel uncomfortable in ther and it was actually me who complained about it and to my surprise every member of staff thanked me. So it is a common thing even with people who do not experience panic. I agree with Lynnann that the BP is a result of the anxiety then of course the call from work thrown in for good measure, no wonder your feeling it. Chin up jaco , look how far you've come mate, if you find yourself in a small room again, open a window or ask if you can leave the door open a bit because you feel it's to stuffy you might be surprised that others agree with yoLove Paige x

08-04-09, 20:54
Ty Paige, I will avoid small rooms in future ;)

Jaco x

08-04-09, 21:07
Jaco sorry mate but i just saw this post!!

What an absolute begger of a situation for you to be put in mate! :wacko:

You talked yourself down from the PA which is fantastic. That just proves how strong you are that you CAN control this dreaded anx.

As for the additional problems, Switch off and deal with it tomorrow. You need to try to unwind after such a hectic day.

Have a glass of Vino on me matey and relax!
Well done for coping so well


08-04-09, 21:38

I have had episodes like this before when it has taken me completely by surprise and knocked me for 6 as you do forget how to cope and what to do.

Please try and see it as a blip and a stressful day and be kind to yourself tonight and start afresh again tomorrow.

Go easy on the Chardonnay though :winks:

Take care mate :bighug1:


08-04-09, 21:49

Sorry to hear you had a bad day but it sounds to me like you coped pretty well. Well done. Tomorrow will be better.


08-04-09, 22:17

During your break hun, like i said, you didn't run for the hills, as horrible as the feeling of panic is, you stayed and fought, fight or flight, as you know.

Don't dwell on it because you got through it, just a blip, one moment that you thought don't like this, you're in a tiny room with no windows, i think even people that don't suffer with what we do wouldn't of liked that.

Different day tomorrow hun.

di xx

08-04-09, 22:45
Hi Jaco
I know how bloody hard it is not to dwell on it because I always dwell on mine, however I think you are doing great and are a great help to us all on here. Enjoy your chardonay and hope it will be a long time before it happens again or maybe that will be the last time it happens.
lots of love
Mags xxxx

09-04-09, 00:05
Jaco if i was given a pound for every time you had helped people here on NMP i would be rich:winks: ! Theres nobody better than you for giving good advice about anxiety issues and also know that you been the person that you are will put this blip behind you mate !

I think its brill that you stuck in that meeting when you felt so rotten, me i would have run a mile !!! Your stronger than you think mate so try and put this behind you and you carry on been the strong person that you are !!


09-04-09, 05:35
more wine me thinks and dump that bloody blood pressure machine

Chav xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

09-04-09, 11:33
Blips are really pants arn't they. :ohmy: :mad:

I expect you're feeling much better again now and are able to rationale yourself - are you?!:shades:

Love Piglet :flowers:

09-04-09, 15:57
Well ty all

I wish Piglet, a sleepless night and had to pop a couple of betablockers today (date was nov 2006, was when I got them and only ever had 2 at that time).

Had one of those, climbing anxiety, hard to think through the cloud, head pressure, hard to concentrate days, but coming down a bit now I am home.

Still, been there, done that, nothing to get panicky about ;)

Ty all xx

09-04-09, 20:26
Cheers Lolly lass xxxx

Trying to bounce back as quick as I can

Feckin end of the phone, when you answer you mean ;)

Jaco xx

09-04-09, 20:37
hope things pick up for you soon


jodie x

09-04-09, 21:11
Jaco Keep Smiling Hun Only A Blip. Xx

10-04-09, 14:26
Sometimes when we have one out of the blue like that (or when we've been coasting nicely for awhile) it can be likened to lobbing a stone in a pond which obviously starts with a big splash and then ripples out before calm is once more.

It sounds like you're still feeling ripply mate - continue to try and cut yourself some slack and take the measures you usually do, reasuring yourself that while you may have felt horrendously crap it's stuff you've been through before and it will (just as it did before) pass on its way.

We all know exactly how it feels mate.:shades:

Love Piglet :flowers:

10-04-09, 15:23
hi Jaco,

Sorry to hear you had a bad time. But as others have said already, you found your way through it - and it didn't beat you! :yesyes: So though it happened, probably just a blip (I have them myself and do beat myself up about it lol) and you dealt with it well.

I was talking to my hubby today saying how I wish this would go away. I been fine for ages but had bad night and some scary times today too. Still in control so far, but sick of having to be.

So I understand how you feel, wishing it would not happen any more. But you WERE in a trigger situation, I was just lying in bed thinking of mortality (big mistake! lol).:wacko:

Hope you're starting to feel better. Sometimes it goes like that because the adrenaline and stress takes a while to reduce and the effects on your body too. Have faith in yourself, (should too I know!) We'll be alright!


14-04-09, 19:32
I only ignore you when you are well lol! I'm only joking, but how many times have you called this week? If you had called I would have answered! :hugs:

Donna mate, a once a year call from Jaco is enough eh? blimey he can talk worse then any woman i know!! :roflmao:

Lmao kidding Jaco mateypoos