View Full Version : saw a specialist late this afternoon..

08-04-09, 20:03
After months of recurring sinus infections I was told today by the specialist that I had a deviated septum which was probably causing it :lac:
She said my doctor should have spotted that earlier and saved me all those unneeded decongestants pfffft.
I would stand more chance of getting better with Dr Crippen than I would with my doctor!

take care

mick (slightly deviated now)

08-04-09, 20:10
Awww Mick that sucks hun! Bloomin typical though!!
Hope they can sort you out now
Take care

08-04-09, 20:46
Thanks Lisa,
Once I get this sorted out and my agoraphobia gets a bit better, myself and my brother and a few mates will pop round and sort your neighbour out for you. :D

take care

08-04-09, 20:51
Glad you got it sorted out at last mick, at least now you know what the problem is now. Can they give you any meds or any treatment....sorry i dont know what a deviated septum is:shrug:
Gp's are rubbish these days arent they, yours sounds a bit like mine...not a clue!
Take care

08-04-09, 20:56
Thanks Lisa,
Once I get this sorted out and my agoraphobia gets a bit better, myself and my brother and a few mates will pop round and sort your neighbour out for you. :D

take care

Lol awww bless you!! I'll get the beer in-in that case! :yahoo: Lol
Hope you feel better real soon hun

08-04-09, 21:00
Hiya and thanks leslaya,
Deviated septum is where the top of the nose by the bridge is twisted underneath and doesn't allow you to breath properly. It also can cause recurring sinus problems and restless sleep
I broke my nose playing rugby years ago (I'm glad i didn't have agoraphobia then...I would have had to pass the ball from the dressing room ) :D
My doc really is a muppet. A few years back i went to him about the fatigue i was suffering and he said it was just anxiety, but I knew it wasn't. It took me about ten weeks of pestering before he gave me a blood test. Two days later he phoned me and told me to come round to the surgery straight away. The blood test showed I had pernicious anaemia! and i needed injections straight away. I'm glad I kept on at him now.
pfffft :D
Hope you are feeling okay
take care