View Full Version : Does anyone know???

08-04-09, 22:16
Hi guys

Is it ok to take citilopram with herbal nytol? Sleeping rubbish at the mo and thought Id try taking nytol tonight


ps: can you let me know sooner rather than later as its already passed by bed time ...:) lol x

08-04-09, 22:51
Hi Hun
I wouldnt like to say for sure, but i would give the nhs direct a ring and make sure before you take them, they will check it out for you. Is there nothing on the leaflet to say what you cant take them with?
NHS DIRECT is 0845 46 47
Sleep well and take care

08-04-09, 23:11
Well I've took Kalms at the same time and had no problems and they are herbal.:)

09-04-09, 07:11
Thanks guys

Appreciate the replies. I tried it anyway and was still wide awake till about 1 ish so I guess they dont work....lol...but saying that I did get some queality sleep when I finally got off into dream land. Feeling relatively good today...bit panicky but once I get into the flow of today (I have a busy one ahead at work) then I think Ill be ok.

Hope your both ok :yesyes:

R x