View Full Version : Herpes in nose and brain infection- freaking out

08-04-09, 23:26
Hey folks,
here I am freaking out. I have a herpes in my nose, I tend to suffer from herpes so once or twice a year, but this time Iīm so scared, because they say this is potentionally dangerous and might lead to some deadly infection. I canīt even sleep properly anymore, because I am so scared. Any reassurance would help.

08-04-09, 23:43
if its really bad then go see your doc but end of day its only a coldsore. My friend has a massive flare up all over her face & actually had them behind her eye! She was very run down with them, but still managed to look after 2 children (one of them only 2 weeks old) & was ok. I know its a painful thing to have but try not to freak out. Like, I said, if its really bad, go see your GP, they will be able to give you something for them. xxxx

09-04-09, 00:46
Hi :)
There is a small risk of herpes in the nose travelling to the brain but it is extremely rare and even if it did it can be treated as well.
It is quite common for herpes to attack the inside of the nose.
If you are really worried about it then I would see your gp to get some medication to take for it.
I know its easier said than done but please try not to stress to much about it - herpes is aggravated by stress.

09-04-09, 00:48
My friend gets them inside her nose several times a year! Do not worry, they will go away. She uses Abreva cream and takes Valtex orally. They are gone in 2-3 days. Did they give you the blue valtex pills?